IDOL 2008

Swedish Idol is now over, and the winner is.. KEVIN BORG from Malta! This guy moved from Malta to sweden, 1 year ago exactly and just to have lived here 1 year he speaks good swedish. Kevin moved to sweden to his girlfriend, so cute!

Kevin Borg! He's awsome!

I'm gonna show you the winner from 2004-2007! ;)

2004 - Daniel Lindström

2005 - Anges Carlsson
(Jens Pääjärvi - a winner in my eyes)

2006 - Markus Fagervall

2007 - Marie Picasso


The photoshoot I wrote about that we had last thursday, I have the pictures now! and OMG, I look so ugly! Gash.. but just because I'm so nice I'll show you 3 pictures so you can laugh :)

These photos Emelie took ;) haha, It was a fun day. It would have been even more fun If I didn't forgot my photoface at home!


Now have my mum done her first tattoo :) It's really cute! I like it very much and she does too. :)

The original, the passionfruit in the front!

me this morning!


me and my mum (:

half done.. cute huh? :D

DONE!! :D hahah cute right!?

"ho ho ho" - from Tokio Hotel

LOL! Georg does the best "ho ho ho"
i couldnt help but laugh! XD

-Laura <333


Sorry I've been very bad when it comes to update this blog.. But that's just because I didn't had anything fun to write about.. but I can tell you about my day today!
Monday = school as you all know, not very funny I hate mondays and I only had 3 lessons today instead of 4 because they were girls coming to our school talking about different collages in sweden.. and ofcourse I had forgotten to turn the sound off on my cell and I got an sms *plingplong* out loud, very fun!

What else? English today.. we only have hm.. 3 more english lessons this term (hurray). Today's lesson we had an "action" but not a real one, we got a list of different word and linkin-words (I think It spells so) and we had £5000 that we could bid with. There were some sentences that were right and some were wrong, we had to bid on those we thought was right.. haha, AND.. (me and Bellah worked together) we got one right and one wrong. I bid £4000 on one JUST BECAUSE in the sentence they had used the named Bill and Tom. It said something like: Tom and Bill took the train to Waterloo blabla. I just had to have that one so :D then she said the sentence were wrong but I didn't care.. Bill and Tom :D haha.

After school I took the bus to town (I met my friend Izabell on the bus so we talk a little, just a quick catch up) to see if they had the new Tokio Hotel tv - Caught on camera .. first I went to one store "No not today, We'll maybe get it wednesday-friday" Gash, I don't want to wait  'til friday! :O and then I went to the other store "No I don't think we have order that one.. But if you want I can order it for you, It will take maybe one week" No thank you, I'll keep on looking! THAT REALLY MADE ME MAD, what's wrong with Sweden? Why should we always be so late with things? gash ><
But now, When I got home.. I order it :D So the Tokio Hotel - Caught on camera deluxe version 2 dics are in 2-3 days mine :D Can't wait!!!!! I'm so happy!

Yes that's today.. Tomorrow .. MY MUM IS GETTING HER FIRST (and maybe only) TATTOO :D soo cool! I'll show you a picture when it's done (: My friends wants to see it, they think it's so cool xD haha..

Okay.. That's it for now.
Hope you all have a good monday! (:


Soon it's mine! (:

how cute are they!? XD

omg the pictures make me laugh!!!

cute even in cartoon version!!!!! XD


ok i found this video thats supposed to be a piece of a new tokio hotel song
i dont know if its real or not.... but if it is YAY!

he says "Mein Herz kämpft, gegen mich,wie ein Alien in mir"
and if im not mistaken (my German sucks! XD....i acctually needed some help with this... ) that means "My heart fights, against me, how an alien in me"
is that correct?...i bet it's not.. whatever I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!! XD

-Laura <333

bye bye Robin =[

Robin had to leave Idol !? he was my favorite even though i dont watch that show! XD
Sofia showed me some videos of him performing and he's REALLY good! =[

i liked himmm!!!!!
and im still sad that Johan Palm left XD..... HAHAHAH! omg Sofia hates when i say that!!!!!!

OMG! i haven't goten the new tokio hotel dvd either!

BUT I DIDNT BUY IT EARLY ENOUGH!!! on the website, it says that they are all sold out! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and to top that off ..... guess what!?

TH is coming to the U.S. !!!!!


but they ARENT coming to new york!


they always do that!!!!.... they have to STOP doing that! they came here (durring their tour) ONCE!
i miss them. ='[


its not a picture of my room but you could still see the purple. i promise i'll take a better picture (of my room) once i get my camera. cell phones have bad quality! XD

good morning in NY
good afternoon in Sweden ^_^ !!!
bye byee!!!

bad friday!

BAD BAD BAD BAD friday.. Just finished watching IDOL 2008.. they were 3 left Robin (<3), Alice and Kevin.. Guess who had to go? .... ROBIN :( My favourite.. He was so close to the final :(
When he said: See you In globen ALICE instead of Robin I was in chock.. I didn't believe what I just heard!

well well.. I don't have much to say about today, I had school for 2 hours, went to my friend's school and gave her money ;P Lina followed me home and we both fell asleep, haha!

A quck summarize of my day.. I'm thinking.. I'm bored so maybe I'll go to bed and watch a movie..? but wich? I havn't bought the new tokio hotel dvd yet..

good night, and good morning Laura? ;P haha. <3

Bert Ljung<3

HAHAHAHAH, this is from a Swedish tv program xD


Hello sweeties!

I'm sitting in school now, I end in 30min.. we have to go 15min early because we're gonna be styled by studens and then we're gonna have a photoshoot (kill me).. so today I don't were any makeup (not pretty) AND I forgot my "photoface" at home so I don't really want to do this ;o Someone wants to change place with me? 

Good news, my english teacher just came to me and Emelie and said that we have to "work" home today, so we have no english  (HURRAY) that means that I end 3 pm today instead of 4.45pm :) 

Guess what I'm doing? YOUTUBE <3 JENS PÄÄJÄRVI <3 He's so good, I hope you think so too. It would be awsome if some of Lauras friends started to like him and then he'll get famous in the U.S and so on :D and that would be thank's to us, hihi.. okay Now i'm dreaming away.. 

and Laura.. I think you should show us some pictures of your room :) I want to see!!! :D 

I don't have any important information so I'm gonna shut up now (:



- Sofia

boring wednesday...

my room is COMPLETLEY painted (finally!) and yay it looks really awesome. THANKS DAD! XD
its going to look even COOLER with the new posters in getting for christmas ^_^
today was a VERY boring day. i thought this whole day would suck untill....

really,... how beautiful are his eyes?

"One" by Metallica

"Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please god,wake me"

the video is so creepy. awesome,.... but very weird. I recomend you fast forward to about 1:30 when he STARTS singing. thats the only thing thats a little but annoying. It takes this dude 10 years to start singing! XD it's 7 minutes. WTF?
i should get a better version..... one with just the song XD ....

OMG! i ALWAYS play that song on Guitar Hero and it's SOOOO fun!
And metallica just so happens to be Gustav's favorite band. SO COOL! XD

i won!!!!!!!!!!!!!

next year, when "Monsoon" is going to be on guitar hero... IM SO GETTING THAT GAME!! even if i never play it i dont care! i want it anyway XD

ok so i'll go now. there's nothing to write on this super boring day XP

byeeeee!!! Auf wiedersehen


I never read books, okay NEVER.. the only books I've read is the Harry Potter books, those I have read like a million times (I was a HP nerd a few years ago!) But.. when I saw the movie Twilight (I really fell in love with that movie) and I found that they were books.. I JUST HAVE TO READ THEM... so soon when my mum gets home we're going to the big libary so I can borrow the books :)
oh.. also, I got my shoes today :) they are so cute so I'm gonna wear them when we're going to the libary.. but, to bad the weather is not really right but I want to wear them so I'm gonna do that..

I'm gonna fix some things before I'm going.. and tonight Lina is coming because she's gonna sleep here tonight :) We start school tomorrow at 10.45 :D super nice!

oh.. you just have to see this, this guy Jens as you all know (hehe) when he sings you raise me up.. almost makes me cry it's so good! ICH LIEBE JENS<3
gash.. listen to his voice, so nice.. voice of an angel <3


As usual I havn't slept anything tonight, I don't know why I it's hard for me to sleep on sunday's?
Well.. I had one lesson then I had to go to the doctor so my dad came and picked me up, so when I got to the doctor we had to wait for like 15min and then I went inside told him what was wrong he wrote me a recipes and then we bought the medicine and left. x) Didn't took very long, I thought I had to sit there for atleast 30min.
So kids, now when It's winter, DON'T SIT ON THE GROUND OR ON A BENCH because you'll get the same problem as me! Not very funny and the medicine taste like.. I can't describe but it's NOT good!!

Haha, we had english today for the first time in like 10 days, first our teachers kid was sick and then she got sick, haha. (good for us)  It was very funny, She showed us some words then we had to come up and guess what we thought the story was about.. She gave us one clue.. the name of the person was Lee stringer or something.. Mine and Linas story was soooooo good, *noot* When we read the correct story we started to laugh because our was not even NEAR correct xD but she said guess, and of those words.. no one could guess the right xD

AND... Have you seen BILL KAULITZ NEW TATTOO? :D I HAVE! It looks really good!!
It's german words as he said and It means We never stop shouting - We return to the origin
"Wir hören nie auf zu schreien - Wir kehren zum Ursprung zurück"
Here's a picture!!

I loooove it!!

- Sofia


Please vote for Tokio Hotel.. they are on the 3rd place (NOT GOOD) We have Carrie Underwood (lovely name*nat*) and Jonas Brothers (omg ><) before our loved Tokio Hotel!

So please vote!! The link: please, in the right corner you see alot of different artist.. you can only click here if you're gonna vote on Tokio Hotel.

Thank you!

Tokio Hotel für immer<3


I don't know what to say.... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!! I LOVED THAT MOVIE .. My new favourite.. Better than Narnia and then It has to be awsome if it beats Narnia!
I have to see that movie again, is there someone who wants to go with me? (:

Very short post.. I'm still thinking of the movie.. gash It was SO good!

I came home today from Philip around 5, he drove me *scary* and then Lisa came around 6..

This weekend has been P-E-R-F-E-C-T (: thanks alot!

cute cute cute!!


i've never seen theese pictures of Jens! HE'

the third one is SO my favorite XD
and his new song on his myspace is AWESOME!

[[all photos belong to Jens Pääjärvi]]


what to wear, what to wear.....

today (unlike yesterday) is going to be fun! yay! haha
im going to the mall,my second favorite place to be,  at 10 (its 9:47) so i just thought i'd write a quick post.
I woke up at 7 and it took me TEN HOURS to find out what to wear (like always) . I took a picture but it's so blurry i'm not even going to put it. My super messy bed is in the background and i rather you not see that! its so filled with clothes its not even funny. i have to try on things five million times before i decide what to wear! XD

thats the only decent picture i took XD


hahaha! this always makes me laugh!!!

so i'll be going now, its already 10:06 !! (=O ) i cant beleive it took me so long to write this short post! XD


OH MY GOSH!...............
Im so bored.
Its only 5:30 and it's SO dark outside it looks like its 9:30! -ugh i hate winter sometimes-
no one is online!!! and I bet Sofiia is already asleep!!! I HATE HAVING DIFFERENT TIME ZONES!! this day is so dull....

editing photos takes over me sometimes!!! XD haha

"to me, you'll be forever sacred,
I'm dying but i know our love will live,
your hand above,
like a dove,
over me.
to me you'll be forever sacred! " .........

I LOVE THAT SONG! and for some reasong its STUCK in my HEAD!

well, i should go find something to do before i go mad... haha!
BYEEE! <3333333

Georg has no privacy....

but i  really want to know what he wrote in that diary.... Bill and Tom said it was good!

aw poor georg XD

<333 -Laura

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