Den bästa sommaren
Söndag den 13 Juni hade jag fruktansvärt svårt att sova, jag tror inte jag sov många timmar den natten. Jag var så fruktansvärt nervös för jag skulle åka till mitt sommarjobb dagen efter. Tankar bara flög runt i huvudet, jag hade ju träffat några av dem innan när jag praktisera och visste att alla var trevliga. Jag låg i min säng och tänkte "jaha, en till sommarjobbare, ska vi behöva slåss om vem som kommer bli mest omtyckt?" "Tänk om dom bara ljög när jag praktisera där och inte alls tyckte om mig, tänk om dom bara var snälla för min pappa jobbar där?" Jag trodde jag skulle få ett rent helvete. Jag trodde även att Anna hatade mig för vi inte pratade så mycket när jag praktisera. Jag hade en så stor klump i magen.
Dessa tankar var så onödiga. Den andra sommarjobbaren, Karin var underbar & likaså alla andra som jobbar där.♥ Jag trivdes som fisken i vattnet.
Men det finns två brudar som jag kom riktigt nära, Anna och Maria. Jag vet inte riktigt vart jag ska börja men dessa två har verkligen gjort denna sommaren till den bästa någonsin.
Det har varit hårt jobb hela sommaren/hösten men även så mycket skratt (tror dock det var mest ÅT mig och inte MED mig, men det är sånt man får ta!)
Varje dag jag kom hem prata jag alltid om allt roligt vi sagt (okej inte allt men det som gick att berätta!) på jobbet och hur mycket jag längtar till nästa dag.
Jag har alltid varit en riktig latmask på morgonen, när klockan ringde snooza jag alltid men inte denna sommar/höst då gick jag alltid upp 2-3min INNAN klockan ringde.
Anna & Maria, ni är helt underbara, tror inte ni förstår hur mycket jag tycker om er och hur glad jag är att jag fått lära känna er. Jag tar med mig mycket minnen från denna sommar.
Det har varit allt ifrån praktikant, mitt röda ansikte, röda tröjor, troll, Herkules, Ynge, mustacher, helikopterplattor, när jag skicka ner en del till skåne när den skulle till Stockholm, min fantastiska världskarta, lånetv. Ja allt.
(Nu är det ju folk som läser som inte kommer förstå någonting men, det är nog lika bra!)
Jag vill tacka er för denna sommar/höst och jag hoppas jag får komma tillbaka och jobba hos er snart igen.
Känns som jag inte är riktigt färdig på Infocare ;)
I like to make myself believe that you for once will think of me
Photo by; Lina Green
I told you everything unlocked and let you in
that's how it is for me it's all or nothing.
I sort of lost control I loved and you said no,
are we okay or are we simply fading?
light to dark
Yesterday I colored my hair from light brown to dark brown..
Du bist alles was ich bin Und alles was durch meine Adern fließt
(If you don't know what Cosmonova is - google it!)
Lina just told me on the phone that she wants me to update my blog so here it is.. and I'm going to give her a "answer" to the post that she wrote:
Lina I love you with all my heart. You are amazing, I hope everyone's lucky as I am and have found a person that's just so perfect, an amazing friend. You are the Best friend.
I won't let you go back to that darkness again, I would do everything in my power to get you back to the light.
Du und Ich Für Immer.
Happy birthday!

Die Zimmer voll Visionen von dir
14 days left to happiness. In 13 days Lina and I take of to Geneva in Switzerland to see Tokio Hotel for the last time (that we know now.. might be more later this year!? LET'S HOPE SO!)
We are both very scared of flying so we'll see how that goes.. But not even our biggest fear can keep us away from seeing our beloved Tokio Hotel once again.♥
13.06.08 [√]
04.03.10 [√]
05.03.10 [√]
03.04.10 [ ]
Ich glaube nicht
Daß das bald endet
Wir bleiben immer
Schreiben uns in die Ewigkeit
Ich weiß das immer
Irgendwo was bleibt
Wir fühlen
Wir sind für's Ende nicht bereit
Wir sterben niemals aus
Ihr tragt uns bis in alle Zeit ♥
Shoes makes you happy, school doesn't.
School sucks we all know it.. and we all wanna quit, some more than others. But I really want to quit now i'm so sick of school.
Today I picked up my sweatshirt (the one on the pictures). That sweatshirt means YOU ONLY HAVE 3 MONTHS LEFT OF SCHOOL AFTER THAT - NEVER AGAIN FIJA* YOU CAN DO IT.. hehe.
It feels good sitting here in that sweatshirt but it feels stupid sitting here and writing about my f*cking sweatshirt.. I wouldn't do it if Lina (that girl is pain in the ass!) had shut up about it..
L: Write something in your blog, i'm sick and bored
F: I'm sitting here in my "Student 2010" sweatshirt (H)
L: Take a picture and write about it
F: About my sweatshirt? You can see it if you want but.. And I bought new shoes today too.. wanna see?
L: Write about those too..
*10min later*
and it goes on.. so now i'm writing!!!!

and here is my new shoes
I'm wearing these tonight when i'm going out with some friends....
Goodbye Linköping Hello Stockholm&Göteborg and TOKIO HOTEL!
Tomorrow at 9am leaves the train from Linköping to Stockholm, and I'm on it!! (hopefully, they've cancelled so many trains already!) We were gonna take the train at 11am but they cancelled that one, and also our train from Stockholm to Göteborg on friday.. my god! Can you imagine how pissed I was!? haha
Goodbye everyone..
I'm nervous, I'm gonna see Tokio Hotel on thursday and friday! O-H M-Y G-O-D!!
My luggage! ;)
A freak of nature stuck in reality I don't fit the picture
It's only 12 days left 'til I see Tokio Hotel again♥ and only 2 days left before "Welcome to Humanoid city tour" starts! I'm so excited.
I love Tokio Hotel, more than words could ever say. But this "new Bill" we see on this photo, is HOT but he looks more like a brat kind of guy than the real Bill Kaulitz. I miss his hair, I really hope he has his hair up on the tour and not like on this picture. It's not that I don't like this hairstyle, it's nice but I think he should have his hair up on concerts and performances.
Last night I went out with my friend Louise (I've known her for 13 years!!), I was suppose to be home and eat candy and watch TV with my parents but another friend of mine send me alot of text messanges and asked me to come out so I asked Louise if she wanted to go too and she did, she never says No to a night out ;) haha.
It was SO cold outside that I almost died (;p)
I had alot of fun, I met a french man and talk to him he got my number and we'll see if I see him again next friday! 8D
.... and now i'm hungary....
You're like my personal brand of heroin
I just finished watching that movie, I've seen it more than 100 times, I know almost all the lines in i now..
When I watched the movie I got a great idea.. New moon comes out on DVD 20 march, I'm going to Geneve and Copenhagen 2-5 april, and i'm taking the bus home from Copenhagen (ALONE, Lina takes the train!) and the bus leaves 9.05 a.m. and arrives in Linköping 3.30pm.. so that's pretty long so I thought, Why don't a bring my dads small dvd player and New moon, that kills like 3 hours? =) I'm surprices I can be that smart sometimes..
When I read that I went super-duper happy and than I rememberd, I'M IN GERMANY AND I'M FLYING HOME 19 MARCH, ONE DAY TOO LATE!!!! Just my luck....... -.-
So maybe If Lina has money we'll go to Växjö together and we'll see Jens there, she's such an angel for maybe doing this for me =)
I'll go to bed soon it's "late" and i'm going up early tomorrow.. (like everyday, LOVE my new schedule) but I'll tell you a little quick about my weekend..
Friday - My big sis and her kids came to stay for the weekend =) Lina came to me and we went out to drink and dance (I don't dance but I did a little... ;p)
Saturday - Came home, Lina and I wached a movie before it was time for her to go to her granny and me and my family went to my cousin who had a little birthday party =)
Sunday - Nothing, ate pizza and watched twilight..
hell yeah - pictures!
I was in the newspaper today! 8D
Albert, Simon, Dennis, ME & Lina walking in school...
Me and Lina today, I had a fish on my head and she had a hotdog!
Nathalie the new Jackson!
moi today!
Now - CSI Miami
Later - zzzZzzZzzz
I have to go to "3" tomorrow (where I bought my phone) and ask if they can help me and fix it! I need my phone i'm not whole without it. I have a big whole in my chest when i'm away from my phone.. and yes i'm addicted to it, I admit that. ;-)
In one hour me and my mum are gonna watch CSI Miami (LOOOVE!!) but I like CSI NY the best.. 8D
I'm going away for the weekend to visit Lina and I've start packing, I've already 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of leggins (two the other are still wet), 3 t-shirts, 1 shirt and hmm... 1 sweatshirt.. I need to change 2-3 times a day if I'm gonna wear it all 8D I'm not even finished packing yet.... hehe
You're automatic and your voice is electric Why do I still believe?
I'm tired as hell and I'm not ready for this, some are not ready for sex and i'm not ready for school ;p haha
My new schedule is horrible, it's full.. lessons everyone and they forgot to add my german.. WHERE will that be? at 5pm!? no thanks..
I'll go and talk to my teachers today, about this and about something else. In March I have 2 weeks of practice.. and I've found one, IN GERMANY, my friend's aunt had a job for me for 2 weeks and If I want I can be there!! *happy* I'll talk to my teacher and ask if they can pay for the flight or something 8D hoho..
Now I have to go to my bus, (or soon) 10min. I don't want to, it's snow outside :(
I can hardly keep my eyes open
I called my aunt yesterday and asked if she could sew a dress for me for graduation, and she could!! I think it's going to be light pink! (:
8.15 starts with Webbdesign for 2 hours, than a break almost 3 hours and than another lesson, this sucks! x_X
haha,I just got a textmessage from Lina, she's tired too 8D
Have to go, school's waiting -.-
I lay down on the edge feel my whole life on rewind
I just hang up the phone with Lina, I had to call her quickly and complain a little ;) She says that I brag, but if there's anyone that brags it's HER! I got a text message from her where it says "I'm going to Sicily in september :)" .. hmm, asshole (lol). That made me deppressed. I want to go somewhere where it's warm too, I don't want to stay in cold and boring Sweden. :(
Hm, I just have to find someone rich that can pay for my vaccation to the sun, hehe. Are you between 18-22 and rich and would like to go to Greece or Spain with me (and ofcourse PAY!)? Please e-mail me! ;)
I'll go to my bed and get warm under my quilt and dream that i'm laying on a beach in Greece with a cold coke beside me.
*Got lost in the dream for a minute*
I love shoes and I'm on the phone with Lina
These will soon be mine, gosh I love them! ♥
When I get my money I'll run to the shoe store and buy them, if I don't get them I'll die....
Lina wants them too, so I guess we will buy them together and maybe have them in Copenhagen in april when we're going out to party! =) (If I have room with shoes in my bag...)
Save me with your love tonight
Hi everyone, bad update I know, but it's been new year and so.. (5 days ago, haha)
anyway, I havn't done much so no catch up is necessary..
Now i'm sitting and waiting for Cisella to come to pick me up with the car, we're going to Borensberg to film our musicvideo, it's for jesse mccarteys version of Winter wonderland.. She will be here any minute and I just finished painting my nails, haha smartass.. they won't dry before she's here.. hmm...
I can tell you one fun thing before I have to go, my big sister Cilla, she think's Bill is hot, and she have heard 2 songs of Tokio Hotel, Monsoon and World behind my wall and she likes them very much. Yesterday I got a mail on facebook where she asked when the Tokio Hotel concert in Göteborg is and she wants to go so she's gonna ask our cousin Lotta is she wants to go with her.. she wrote something like: I've heard 3 songs and they're good. I can go and just look at Bill if they shows not good! hahaha.. =) I really hope she's going =) I'm proud of my big sis - deep deep inside she's a Tokio Hotel fan.. who, like EVERYBODY, think Bill is HOT. ;)
2 months left♥
The future's just begun on the dark side of the sun
Today is new year!!!! I'll be leaving in 20min to Lina where the party is =)
First dinner with Lina and her friends and then it's party time.. and I will happily welcome the new year!
2010 is gonna be a great year, that's a feeling that I have.. 2010 is TOKIO HOTELS YEAR =) at midnight I will celebrating the new year and I'll celebrate that Tokio Hotel are coming to sweden!! =)
Haha I'm finished packing and I have 3 pair of shoes with me, one pair to have inside, one pair when we're gonna be outside and one pair for tomorrow when i'm going home, haha =) Is it only me who has your whole room with you? 8D
Have to dash (LOL)
You're the sun and i'm the moon, In your shadow I can shine
My sister is behind me and packing their stuff. My room is pretty big and they've filled it all it's bags everywhere, haha.
I've been pretty busy these days, my sister and her family has been here.
Monday we went to see a movie and before we ate on texas longhorn and yesterday me and my sister was shopping, we were away for 5-6 hours and I had high heels!
Tomorrow it's new year which means - PARTY @ LINA! =) what are you doing tomorrow? party? be home with boy/girl-friend? family? friends? work?
It's so cold in my room so I have to put some clothes on now before I turn into a iceman (girl).. They have been sleeping with window open (it's december!?)
*mum wants me to come down so have to go*
Jingle bell jingle bell
15 min left on December 23, so that means that it's CHRISTMAS in sweden soon =)
Me and my dad just watched Love actually, I love that christmas movie it's so funny. My favourite part is when Alan Rickman (aka Professor Snape) are buying a neckless and "Mr.bean" are asking if he wants it wraped in, hahahah, can't stop laughing. He's taking such a long time and Alan (can't remember his name in the movie so I'll go with Alan) tells him to speed up and when he thinks it's finally finished
"Mr.Bean" says: Only one little detail left and Alan says: WHAT MORE, you're gonna dip it in yogurt!?
10min left know and I'll go to bed now I think. I've finished my book so I have nothing to read so maybe I'll watch another movie. I got my movie Paret trap today, the one I ordered yesterday. It was as good as I remembered =)
7min left, GOOD NIGHT!