You're like my personal brand of heroin
You know where that line comes from? My favourite movie - Twilight
I just finished watching that movie, I've seen it more than 100 times, I know almost all the lines in i now..
When I watched the movie I got a great idea.. New moon comes out on DVD 20 march, I'm going to Geneve and Copenhagen 2-5 april, and i'm taking the bus home from Copenhagen (ALONE, Lina takes the train!) and the bus leaves 9.05 a.m. and arrives in Linköping 3.30pm.. so that's pretty long so I thought, Why don't a bring my dads small dvd player and New moon, that kills like 3 hours? =) I'm surprices I can be that smart sometimes..
When I read that I went super-duper happy and than I rememberd, I'M IN GERMANY AND I'M FLYING HOME 19 MARCH, ONE DAY TOO LATE!!!! Just my luck....... -.-
So maybe If Lina has money we'll go to Växjö together and we'll see Jens there, she's such an angel for maybe doing this for me =)
I'll go to bed soon it's "late" and i'm going up early tomorrow.. (like everyday, LOVE my new schedule) but I'll tell you a little quick about my weekend..
Friday - My big sis and her kids came to stay for the weekend =) Lina came to me and we went out to drink and dance (I don't dance but I did a little... ;p)
Saturday - Came home, Lina and I wached a movie before it was time for her to go to her granny and me and my family went to my cousin who had a little birthday party =)
Sunday - Nothing, ate pizza and watched twilight..
I just finished watching that movie, I've seen it more than 100 times, I know almost all the lines in i now..
When I watched the movie I got a great idea.. New moon comes out on DVD 20 march, I'm going to Geneve and Copenhagen 2-5 april, and i'm taking the bus home from Copenhagen (ALONE, Lina takes the train!) and the bus leaves 9.05 a.m. and arrives in Linköping 3.30pm.. so that's pretty long so I thought, Why don't a bring my dads small dvd player and New moon, that kills like 3 hours? =) I'm surprices I can be that smart sometimes..
When I read that I went super-duper happy and than I rememberd, I'M IN GERMANY AND I'M FLYING HOME 19 MARCH, ONE DAY TOO LATE!!!! Just my luck....... -.-
So maybe If Lina has money we'll go to Växjö together and we'll see Jens there, she's such an angel for maybe doing this for me =)
I'll go to bed soon it's "late" and i'm going up early tomorrow.. (like everyday, LOVE my new schedule) but I'll tell you a little quick about my weekend..
Friday - My big sis and her kids came to stay for the weekend =) Lina came to me and we went out to drink and dance (I don't dance but I did a little... ;p)
Saturday - Came home, Lina and I wached a movie before it was time for her to go to her granny and me and my family went to my cousin who had a little birthday party =)
Sunday - Nothing, ate pizza and watched twilight..