Du bist alles was ich bin Und alles was durch meine Adern fließt
I'm home. I went to Stockholm today with my class, we had alot of fun, I acctally like my class we get along very well now.. the last 2 months of school, but anyway! We've planed to do alot of things the last two weeks before schools end. We went to see "Petra Mede show" today she's a swedish comedian, pretty funny and we also went to "Cosmonova" to see a movie about the ocean.. I can tell you - I'M NEVER SWIMMING IN THE OCEANS AGAIN!
(If you don't know what Cosmonova is - google it!)
Lina just told me on the phone that she wants me to update my blog so here it is.. and I'm going to give her a "answer" to the post that she wrote:
Lina I love you with all my heart. You are amazing, I hope everyone's lucky as I am and have found a person that's just so perfect, an amazing friend. You are the Best friend.
I won't let you go back to that darkness again, I would do everything in my power to get you back to the light.
Du und Ich Für Immer.
(If you don't know what Cosmonova is - google it!)
Lina just told me on the phone that she wants me to update my blog so here it is.. and I'm going to give her a "answer" to the post that she wrote:
Lina I love you with all my heart. You are amazing, I hope everyone's lucky as I am and have found a person that's just so perfect, an amazing friend. You are the Best friend.
I won't let you go back to that darkness again, I would do everything in my power to get you back to the light.
Du und Ich Für Immer.
Postat av: LINA*
liebe, som jag sagt tusen gånger så älskar jag dig av hela mitt hjärta och är så otroligt tacksam att vi hittade varandra.
Vem hade vetat att det fanns en lika störd människa som jag i linköping HAHAH <333333333333333333