
I didn't even go to school today, my class was went to "Gamla Linköping" today, a place in Linköping (my town) where they have OLD houses and other "fun stuff" I've promised Laura to show her if she comes here ;) So in one house they have alot of fun stuff you can play with (you can go there even if you're 17 & 70!) and on the 3rd floor they have alot of nasty animals alot of different snakes, cockroaches, lizards and a dead mangnet and a dead octopus.. and I HATE those things.. The worst was when he took out the cockroaches (!!!) and he said that if someone of us wants one we could get it for free, to have as an animal and that they are very friendly (yeah right, and ugly and disgusting) and my friend Lina, SHE HOLD ONE!! Can you believe that??? She hold a cockroach!! AND... he also showed us 3 of the snakes (and I HATE snakes) and ofcourse I was sitting on the front road but I switched chair,. and ofcouse Lina hold in one of the snakes too!
Okay so yes that was my short day.. I got home at 11.30 .. xD and we started at 9.45.. That's what I call a short day! (:

Now I have to go to "Konsum" to buy ketchup and candy with my little sister and then get dressed because I'm gonna hang out with Philip later (:

Maybe I'll write later..



Look mummy I can spell SEXY  B-I-L-L  K-A-U-L-I-T-Z :)

Bill, meine liebe zu dir kann man nicht beschreiben <3

New shoes!

On my grafic communication lesson today me and my friend Emelie order shoes .. well one pair each, the same model and everything just different colours.. I took pink and she took brown! We'll get them in 7-9 days, Can't wait! Soon my feet won't be so cold anymore, *yes*.
What else, me and Emelie also watch the classic "Leif Loket Olsson" when he calls RUT (That's a old swedish name!) haha, so funny everytime, and we found a new video from the swedish news, HAHAHA "Thank you Leif Falukorv". Falukorv = big sausage ;) To bad for Laura who doesn't understand swedish because sometimes it can be very fun, (but I'm translating sometimes..)
I also had 4 hours textcommunication today.. it was pain in the ass.. we had to write about Julmust (we in sweden drink it in the winter, around christmas, instead of coke) What kind of task is that? ;S I think it's something wrong with our teacher..
No english today *WOHOOO* so I got home early .. and I fell asleep x)
When I logged on msn - LAURA WAS ONLINE!!! That's not happen very often, but It was fun, She's so sweet. :)

Okay.. now did someone add me on msn, who can that be?? He's not online =o I hope it's someone cute ;)

My shoe!! cute huh? ;D It's PINK!


As I said before, Jens has a new single both me and Laura loved it so I hope you do too.. It called "Let you go" and you can find it here and some other songs (: And something cool, Laura is friend with Jens on myspace, hihi :)

Jens Pääjärvi <3

Tschüs lieblings <3
- Fija*


its thanksgiving day! (quick post)

they don't have that holiday in sweden, but i thought i'd say it anyway! haha

theres this contest on Tokio Hotel's myspace that you could win tickets to see them at some party! i had to enter! i want to tell Sofia but she's not online  =[ and when i send her a text message it doesnt work for some reason.... weird =.=

* I KNOW WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMASSS!!!!!!!! i want the Tokio Hotel TV dvd! oh yeah! XD

ok thats all for now, i'll write later (that was the most retarded post ever! lol!!!! )

byeeee! <333
auf Wiedersehen




*zzZzzZzz* Guten *zZzzzZzz* Morgen * ZzzzZzz* yeah I'm awake...... ><'
Soon I have school *hallelulja* I'm so excited, I love school so much, I could live in my school, That place is the best on earth. NOOOOT. I hate it and I don't want to go, I'm so tired and I have noooo energi.

Maybe I can write when I'm in school, I have Grafic Kommunication now, you all know how much I love that! then I have TEXTkommunication for 4 hours *please Kill me slowly* and then English (I hope she's sick today too) so yeah, maybe if I'm lucky I'll be home around midnight (!) :'( I just want to sit in a corner and cry...

I have to run to my bus now... I'll write when I'm in school..
AND GOOD NEWS PEOPLE, our loved Jens Pääjärvi have released a new single! :) "Let you go" I can link it later.. have to run!

tschüs <3



This pictures.. Wakes up feelings.. I had so much fun.

HAHA, so you all know.. I had not short hair, but I did something
so It looks like I have that.

Me and my friend Shervin. I MISS HIM

Wonderful memories, thank you <3

Bad english? - no no! ><

OMG, look at this boy.. he's imbarrassing! If I were Bill, Tom, Gustav or Georg I would start laughing.. I mean, Listen to this guy.. There's no words for him.. AND he doesn't know the words for Monsoon..

HAHA poor guy x) The fun is, he thinks he's really cool and good.. but, he sucks and is really bad! I'm glad someone knows the lyrics and sings good (BILL KAULITZ<3)
Hey.. you will never be as good as Bill, or as cool so just quit it.. you're bad! xD kiss<3

Jens Pääjärvi <3 Sofia + Laura

Jens From Swedish IDOL 2005

He. Is so. Hot.
sofia and I were just talking on MSN about Swedish and American idol randomly hahah!
and she showed me this hot guy! Not only is he super cute, but his music rocks too. I heard some songs and (as of today) my favorite songs of his are "This Is" "For You" and "Angeline". 


I'm so downloading his songs! And hopefully Sofia gets the CD for Christmas!

Jens Pääjärvi <33333333333!

- Laura + Sofiia


Twilight. Was. AWESOME!

Oh my gosh it came out Friday (11.21.08) and i went STRAIGHT after school. Caroline, Jessica, and I litterly went RUNNING to the movie theater when we left school! In our uniforms and book bags and everything! and it was tottally worth it! i loved the movie! For those of you who DONT know what twilight is, its this totally awesome book that was made into a movie (obviously lol) Its about this girl, Bellah, who goes to this new school and meets Edward (SEXXY EDWARD!!! XD ....but not as hot as TH...) . Bellah doesnt  Know it but Edward is a vampire, but she still stays with him even when she finds out because she is in love with him. (AWW!) It's this kind off "forbbiden love" kind of thing because it puts her into all sorts of danger especially with James, the warewolf, because he wants to kill her! =O okay im going on and on about this so....long story short... GO WATCH TWILIGHT!!!!!!!
lol im such a loser i took a picture of my ticket! hahaa!

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARS! ( lol! )


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lars happy birthday to you!  HAPPY BIRHTDAY DAD!


That's the time now.. and that's the time my bus goes.. BUT NO! I'm not gonna take it today.. Because when I take this I'm in school at like 7.40 and we start at 8.15 (!) and all my friends are at school at like 8.. not very fun to sit all by yourself in 20-30min. Today I'm gonna take the 7.45 bus and then walk the rest from the busstation.

Thursday today.. It was so good to be home thoes two days.. why can't I be home today too? :( I hate thursdays.. it the worst day of the week.. and thuesday. I go from 8.15 - 4.45 .. *ZzZzz*
So when I get home I'll take a shower, eat and then SLEEP! Fun day huh? ;)
And today I don' feel very good, I'm tired and my stomach hurts like crazy.. and I've shown today on my choice of clothes that It's not my day.. my sweatshirts says like: Back off I'm not in the mood! x) haha, gosh I'm so funny x)

I'm gonna go and pack my bag and see if I need to take something with me... I don't hope so, I don't like my bag, it's broken and that buggs me!

Okay.. I hope you all have a nice school day, I know I won't.. maybe I'll write something when I get to school.. you know, thursday morning = Grafic kommunication ^^ *kill me*

tschüs ♥♥

Okay, this is NOT me today, it's from yesterday!


It's snowing.. :( Noooo!!! *screaming* I hate snow.. go away snow I don't want you here! okay.. It didn't work.. it's still snowing..

I didn't have school today eighter.. so nice! I woke up around 11 and I called my dad to see if he wanted to eat lunch with me and he did! Today it's also my name.. nameday (?) I don't know what you call that in english .. BUT, it says Elisabeth in the calender and that's my middle name so congratz to me!
My dad came around 12 and picked me up and we went to Cloetta Center (That's the homearena for our ice hockey team - LHC .. and they have a resturant there) It was really good, I ate fish.. That does not happen everyday.. I usally don't like fish but there I do. :P When I had taken my food and are on my way to my seat I hear "Hello Sofia" and I looked around and I saw my gymnastic teacher.. "hehe" .. It was really nice to have lunch with daddy! :D

So now I'm sitting here on my room, with candles and good music and I'm thinking of watching a movie. Later I have german .. I've send to tokio hotel lyrics to my teacher because she said she wanted me to bring two but I mailed them. It was hard to decide so I let my friend Jonas help me to pick one. (: Hilf mir fliegen and In die nacht, good choice huh? (: 

Okay.. now it's snowing even more.. :( not fun..
OH, and you know what? :) I'M GOING TO OSKARSHAMN NEXT WEEKEND!! To finally meet Robin, it's gonna be soo fun! :) 

These are going up on my wall!

I took pictures of my two cute birds!! :D

Tiny Princess

Look, I found some OLD  pictures of me! haha, from like 2001-2003? omg.. x)

HAHAHA, well... I like the length of my hair!! =o


YES, No school today! So good, I'm really starting to get school sick x) But soon it's winter holiday thank god. Today and tomorrow we have what we call it in swedish "Studiedag" if I'm gonna translate word to word it's "Studyday" I don't know the right word for it in english.. SORRY!
Well.. today I slept 'til 11.30am, so good it was a long time sense I did that. Every weekend my sister wakes me up with her singing, "guitar playing", her bad music, etc.

I just got out from the shower, andin a few hours I'm gonna meet my mum in town because we're gonna buy a present for my dad.. It's his birthday on saturday (CONGRATZ DAD!) and buy a par of shoes to my friend Svenya. She liked my shoes so much that she wanted a par to and you can't buy them in Germany so I'll send them to her =)
AND.. I'm gonna talk to my mum about me going to Oskarshamn.. ;) I hope she says yes.. Because I really want to go.

Haha, that site Laura linked, about your names.. It was scary.. I tried it .. You should too. It says that my name means WISE in spanish and greek. hah woho! ;)
And it says something about that my number is 9 and "The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression." xD It a whole essay about my name and numbers x)

And yes.. the name Maria is very swedish.. I think it is Swedens most common name on girls.
Maybe I'm gonna go and fix my make up now so I don't have to be so stressed when my mum calls later.. haha.. ooh.. I'm gonna make a cup of te! YUMMY!..  Okay I hope you all have a nice thuesday..

And please god.. make it stop raining.. it's so boring and my hair will get very curly.  Haha, I can show you a picture of me with curly hair..It's really bad!

Curly and Straigt.. I VOTE FOR STRAIGHT HAIR!

Tschüs meine liebling

"Crowned with Laurels"

"Deer Dance" by System of a Down.
thats random, but its the song im listening to right now, and System of a Down is awesome XD
Its a weird name for a song, but trust me.....REALLY GOOD!

i ACCTUALLY enjoyed the trip today! its was very interesting. The actors were intense man. There was this European guy and every time he spoke, you couldn't help but look at him and go "....DUDE!" haha!
They were doing different people from different countries and i was half expecting Bill to come out and say "hey! I'm from Germany! peace out."
of course, that didn't happen because if it DID happen, i would be in jail for jumping on the stage.
HAHA! XD that would've been funny to see though.
me and caroline on the bus. I hit my hand and its till hurts though... STUPID BUS!

omg i found out that my name is Swedish...or something like that.
My first (and middle) name: Laura Maria (don't make fun of my name! XD hahaha)
*but this is just my first name, even though your supposed to put your full name on the website*
SWEDISH - Female : Laurel.
SPANISH - Female: Crowned with laurels. (what the hell are those?)
LATIN- Female: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). The sonnets of 14th-century Italian poet Petrarch were addressed a lady named Laura, whose identity is still a mystery. Famous Bearer: Fashion designer Laura Ashley (l925-85).
ENGLISH- Female: The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants.

this website is really cool it tells you about your birthday too.

so i'll go go now, and i hope Sofia writes something because i like reading her posts! She's entertaining! haha XD


Sofia doesn't think we're doing a good job at keeping updated. We're awesome bloggers. I don't know what she's talking about. XD hahahaha!
I GOT MY SPEAKERS FIXED! YAEEEEEEE! XD *thanks to Caroline the technical genious! XD *
NOW i can hear all the things Sofiia sends me! YAY! ANDD!!! i can listen to TH while doing everything else! oh yeah oh yeah!
it was SOOOOOOOO simple! all i had to do was conect it in the front. You have no idea how much of a retard i am.

tomorrow my class is going on a trip to see some play. (a play? what a trip!) but i have to admit i rather sit through a play then have to do acctual WORK!.....
That'll just give me more time to write a post! ^_^

*thats my new ringtone! Caroline just downloaded it for me! XD *
(i am VERY hyper today...)

ugh.. i SO dont do mornings.

yay colors! i have NO nails at all. I bite my nails. XD

Ching Chong (:

Helluu everyone!
I have the feeling that me and Laura are not so good at keeping this blog updated.. not good. Today it's sunday.. not very fun because that mean it's monday tomorrow and MONDAY = SCHOOL .. :( BUT :D good news.. I have no school on thuesday and wednesday .. mohaha. So nice.. :)

Tomorrow me and Lina are going to town to see if theres any job availble, I hope so.. I NEED MONEY, and It would be fun, so after a few months we can get our own place. mohaha! :D yes I'm dreaming away here, but It would be awsome.

Okay I'm gonna go and talk to my friend on MSN now, and read Jonas essay.. I don't know why but i like essays. ;P
haha, yes I'm stupid..
well.. BYE :D<3


hello everyone! OMG its been a while since i wrote something! Im sorry about that!
anyways, im happy now because i just saw that we won a "price" for being pink! haha! YAY SOFURA! (purple is the new pink) <33

pictures throught the week!!!

oh yeah the new TH shirt i got at the mall on Tuesday! (i had no school! ^_^! )

ew i look kinda retarded HAHAHHA!
(p.s. sorry for the bad quality, i took theese with my phone! haha! XD)

i drew on my face. Im such an artist. hehe

and when it hurts you, scream it out loud!!!!
random, i know, but i love him! <333!

bye byee!


"I like all the blogs that are nice and only pink."

Laura, we wonn a price because our blog is "pink" (purple) :)

"Posted by: Kickan 50+
CONGRATZ! You have won a price of me today! Just because you are so.. pink! Well, you're purple but PinkSolo is pink and pretty. Look more on BloggBoden. Link me if you copy the price wich is the pictures of the cows. Good night"

(PinkSolo is my blogg that I had before, my swedish one.. But I never write there anymore..)

Thank you very much for this price! I'm glad someone share my oppinion and thinks Pink is the best color ;)
For people who understand swedish, don't forget to read BloggBoden (:


Gash I'm so bored.. you know It's thuesday and that means 4 hours Grafic kommunication. It's so boring, soon I have listen to all my songs on my Ipod.. and I have 74 songs, (TOKIO HOTEL + a few papa roach songs). >< so yes.. and today is not my dad because it feels like my head is gonna explode any minute now.. and my face hurts too. :( So please .. rette mich.. x) I want to go home.. 30 minutes left, I swear I'll be dead in 10min! 

30min 'til we end, then I have to wait 15min for bus 11 that's gonna take me to town and there I have to wait 15min for my bus home. HURRAY.. and my dad wanted me to buy the newspaper on the way.. so I said that I'll buy the news today if he buys the new Narnia movie tomorrow =) good deal. 

Yeah we did a calender.. i'm finished.. I took Linas calender (schh) and just add some tokio hotel pics and then - FINISHED. easy as hell,, and thanks alot Lina!  :) So now I have a nice Tokio Hotel calender for 2009, but I'm not gonna use it xD 



and If our final day has come

let's pretand to carry on

and in the end has now begun

live on.. live on.. 

I LOVE THAT SONG, my new favourite. (:


So yeah.. I have nothing more to write atm, Yeah.. people have told me that the White Bill Kaulitz sweatshirt( scroll down) is no longer availible to buy :( It's only the black left.. and I have that one..I love it, but I want both!. 

So I'll say good bye now, I hope you have a better day than me >< 


- fija*

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