
8pm and I'm soooooo TIRED.. I called my friend Anders before and he said: "Isn't it time for little fija* to go to bed? It sounds like you need sleep."  And ofcourse, I'm so tired to I started to laugh.. I laugh at everything right now. xD haha. (hahah look,)
Today as I said, I had a really short day and we were gonna write about crimes, what we thought was the worst crime - RAPE! I think almost everyone wrote that.

After school me, Lina and Jessica took bus 19 (my bus home) and in the back of the bus sat 3 boys, 11-13 years, and they played like bad and old (they thought they were so cool because they have the songs now, and we were like "okay I had that 2 years ago").  songs on there cell phones. haha, and Lina was so funny she said loud: "Well some of us have heard of headset" and tuns of funny things x) 
When we got off the bus we went to Federal. I bought a new piercing for my tongue and this one is not to long and it's blue :D super cool! Lina bought a new piercing for her nipple ;) haha. Funny word - nipple nipple.. haha, gash I'm tired! ..

I'm gonna go to bed now .. OH NO, one more thing!! You know the Bill kaulitz hood? Does anyone know where you can buy the WHITE one? I have the black one but I want the white one too. If you know, PLEASE TELL ME.

I have the black one to the left and I want the white one to the right.
Do you know where you can buy it? Please tell me.

- fija*


Hello everyone!
Quick post before school, my bus goes in 10minutes.. today I only have 1 lesson, well it is two but it's the same we only have 45min lunch break between. No english today (hurray) because our teacher have a "larsson-day" today.. Don't ask me what it is but that's what she said.

Today I'm going to federal (piercing studio) with Lina, I'm gonna buy a new jewerly for my toung.. mine now is to long.
I can tell you all that Gustav is okay, he has no serious injuries :) However, I do not know what kind of punishment he may get so.. "/ I hope it's not prision! :| I hope he just have to pay or something.. Well we just have to wait and see... PLEASE DON'T BE SO HARD ON OUR LITTLE GUSTAV! No Tokio Hotel without him.

Okay.. In sweden we don't use ICQ but I have one anyway so I can talk to my "friends" from germany.. they don't have MSN ;) Is it someone who has ICQ? Tell me! I only have 5 people to talk to there, haha.. Want more (:

No.. Now I have to go to my bus :( TTYL!



oh my gosh when i read this i almost cried. Our favorite drummer Gustav Schafer (duh! haha) got in a bad car accident just the other day. I DIDNT KNOW THAT!!!!
im mad at myself no lie.
whatever he was at the award show, AND THEY WON! thats the best!
they could get through anything with fans like us.
.............but im still mad in last to know about this! >: O !! i feel unloved! XD haha!



so cute....

- Laura

and if our final day has come, let's pretend to carry on,...

BACK FROM THE TEST!!!! (and laughing at myself....)
And i know for a FACT i failed the math section.....that lady gave us threeeeeeeeeeee minutes to do one part! THREE MINUTES! it takes me that long to figure out what 2 plus 5 is.....
im laughing at myself because when i was re-reading my post, i noticed how much of a retard i am. Do you know how many words i had spelled wrong? XD )
ok im exaggerating a little but you know what i mean...im just so happy!

<333 Love you!

bad update - again!

I'm sorry, I don't know why I have been so bad in updating. . AND I'M SORRY.

Today It's saturday.. OH, wanna know something cool? (Well I think it's cool) I woke up at 2.30am because my TV was on and then it was TOKIO HOTEL when they got the Award for "Headliner" ... When the speech was over I turned off the TV and fell asleep again. At 9.03am I woke up AGAIN, because I heard Bill's beautiful voice, so I looked and the TV was on and it was Bill who thanked the fans again and then after they played the monsoon video :D It's like Tokio Hotel wanted me to see them (; I thought that was cool.. anyway..

Saturday.. I've been with my friend Lisa today, we went to the mall IKANO today because Lisa needed a new pair of pants, so we went to H&M and ofcourse she found a pair that she wanted so she bought them, went very quick.. but then It was me who took Lisa to ALL other stores x) I bought a necktie (?) and a hat. :D I LOVE IT!
Then we went home to my place and watched the Swedish movie "Tomten är far till alla barnen" It's a really good/funny movie XD

Yeah.. not much have happend today.. I'll write tomorrow, I PROMISE! (:
So I'm gonna continue talking to my lovely friends on MSN:


me and my new hat! :) like it??? I DO!


gash, I'm so happy.. When they said: "third place: metallica, second place: Linkin Park and the winner is: TOKIO HOTEL" OMG!!! I was on the phone with my TH-sister Isabelle and we both just SCREAMED. I WAS SO HAPPY!! And Bills "Thank you speech", it was so cute! (: He said WE did it again, WE FANS! Are we the best or what!? :D

The sad thing is they didn't won "best act ever".. well yes they did, but Rick (the guy who won) his fans did something so everytime you voted for Tokio Hotel,.. the votes got to Rick. SO STUPID, so the award is Tokio Hotel's. But they have so many so maybe he can have it, I think his "Award closet" is really empty and Tokio Hotel's really full, but we all now that the award belongs to Tokio Hotel. :)





Hey guys! well, today is ....Thursday i'm pretty sure, and im taking a HUGE test on Saturday. I have to give up my saturday AND wake up super early...for a test. I better get a good grade!
Its to get into a school yaday yada... Its at (where im taking the exam) St. Francis Prepatory. Oh. My. Gosh. That school is like.....HUGE!

thats the school....then it goes around the corner and back! XD


Anyways, I just do what i would always do.. take random pictures! haha!
PICTUREEES! (btw, i got a new cell phone! FINALLY! its been like, the THIRD day and my texting is already crazy! good thing its unlimited! XD)

Caroline and her favorite band...THE JONAS BROTHERS!

and MOI and my sexii band....TOKIO HOTEL! (we're CD eaters! )

people said i looked nice in this picture.....im starting to like it...even though my HEAD looks HUGE! XD

and lasty,.... something i dont think ANYone wants to see... MY POINTLESS HOMEWORK! (dont ask me why i took a picture of it i get bored sometimes! XP )

This is blurry...BILL IS ON MY SHIRT! HAHA

and lastly, a picture i edited myself,....like?

OK thats enough of my pictures! haha! once again, wish me luck! im SOOOOO gonna fail the math part of the exam. I SUCK SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BADLY AT MATH!

aw Tom don't be sad...

hahahah! this makes me laugh for some reason...
TOM IS SO CUTE! <33333

no school....ELECTION DAY!

well, i didnt go to school today because i have a cold =[
i swear i have a MASSIVE headache! it feels like my head is going to explode!
anyways, ITS ELECTION DAY!!!
well i have to go my computer is about to restart for some reason.....
like my glasses? XD

i dont know why i took this...

wow im a HORRIBLE picture taker......

PICTURES, Germany 29/9-2/10

Here we have some of the pictures!! (: ENJOY! and for you who don't know, if you scroll down you can read all about my trip =)<3 (The pictures are not in order)

My T-shirts that I bought in Ahlen + my new Pyjamas from Hamm (;<3

The heart Svenya bought for me in Köln <3

Tokio Hotel shoes I got from Röschen <3

I forgot to write it but I got another pair of shoes, these, from Svenya<3

Me on the airport- Skavsta

Me and Svenya, Me and Röschen!

Svenya, me and Svenya's two cute friends!


My belt that I bought, BILL <3

Ich liebe dich <3

Bilden säger allt!

Vi 3 + Kaj x)

Hahaha xD

Stefan & jag

I köln <3


:'( I WANT TO GO BACK <3 :'(

My two girls, I love them so much and I miss them like crazy!
I want to go back to them, and stay there! <3
I love you <3

I'm home!

Hellu everyone, I'm back in Sweden now, but I don't want to be here I want to go back, Germany was so wonderful!
I'm gonna summarize my trip for you now, I don't have the pictures now only like 5 so when I get all of the pictures I'll show them to you :) So this is what happend in Germany( THIS WILL BE A LOOOOONG POST)

Day 1 - Wednesday
First as you know I went to town to fix my money and I hanged out with my friend Izabelle then I got home, slept 1 hour and then we were driving to the airport. I was really nervous so you know, I lauged at everything. x) Then I got on the plain, I sat beside two guys and the flying was horrible. It felt like the plain was going upside down, and like we were gonna crash.. It was really scary! When I got to the airport Weeze, my friend wasn't there, they were a little late but not much and when I got there we huged for a long time :) Then we drove to her mum's boyfriends place, we slept there because otherwise we would be home like 3am.. When we got the apartment we went to bed..

Day 2 - Thursday
We woke up at 5am and fixed our hair, make up and got dressed and then we drove to Ahlen (The town were they live). I left my bags and then we walked to school. It was really cold out, and it was raining. "/ When we got to school people thought it was really fun that they had a visitor from Sweden, haha. Everyone liked me, they said.. haha. Everyon in Svenya's class were so cute and sweet. :) After school we walked to our friend Rösche the girl who didn't new that I was coming. haha. We got to her house and Svenya went inside and said "Come to the door", she was like: "why?" and then se walked to the door. I was standing outside.. first she just looked at me, like starring and then she started to screm "SOFIA" and then huged me and started to cry :) So cute. And you know, when we were standing there talking Röschen said: Sofia, Wait I have something for you" and she went inside and when she got back she hold a par of TOKIO HOTEL SHOES(!) . I can show you pictures later, but they are so nice! :)..
15min later me and Svenya went to her place to get fixed because we're going to town in Ahlen to do some shopping.. So we ment Röschen later and walked to town, It was raining and it was really cold.. It was only me who bought stuff.. so I bought a belt and 3 t-shirts (I will show you). We got back and then from 7pm-10pm my girls had dance training so I went with them to watch =) They were really good, and everyone in there group were really friendly. German people are so nice, but there was one guy there he was really strange I hadn't talked to him and suddenly he comes and starting to touch and look at my feets o.O Anyway, the dance were really good and I enjoyed watching it even though I looked like a snowman when we got home, I was shaking it was so cold.
 When we got back we changed to pyjamas, Me,Svenya and röschen. (Röschen were staying at Svenya's place to over the night). We took some pictures and then I fell asleep.

Day 3 - Friday
We woke up at 6.30 and today I was going with Röschen to school, and as the other days it was raining so my hair was curly when we got to school. And even in röschens school her classmated thought it was fun that they had a visitor from Sweden ;) Everyone was really friendly there too. :) First they had a lesson were they did something on the computer and. haha when I was present myself to the teacher and said I was from Sweden he said: "jag kan bara lite svenska" = I can only some Swedish, haha I was really chocked. The other lessons it was fun but I didn't understood anything. haha, and in the breaks the whole class were standing around me asking questions and gave me compliments, they liked my shoes, my smile and they thought I looked good, and they said my english were good o.O I had learned 2 sentences and Röschen thought that was really funny so I had to say those to the boys. It was a cute guy I said it too, really embarrasing, but fun everyone lauged. I said: "Hast du eine kleine bratwurst?"  = Do you have a small "Bratwurst" - sausage. ;) So I had to say that to like every boy in her class and everyone thought It was so fun.
The last like 10min of the Religion class the teacher said to me that I should come to her and sit, and then the whole class was gonna ask me questions. haha, It was just like I was famouse. xD They asked like: "What are you doing in Germany?" "What do you do on your freetime?" "How much coast a hamburger on MC in Sweden?" and so on, really funny. After school me and Röschen went home to her place because later Svenya was gonna come and we were gonna go to Hamm (Neigbour town). In Hamm I bought a new pyjamas, PINK! :D yeah.. that was all I bought. On the trainstation when we were gonna go home a boy screamed something after me and Svenya said that I can't speak german, only english so he screamed again but in English: "COME ON BABY!" haha, and we wanted me to go to him so we did and we talked and he wanted to hang out the next they so we said "Maybe, call us". haha.
Later on the night we went out to a "pub/resturant" and sat there and walked around and had some fun in town. A few hours later Röschens brother and Svenya's cousin picked us up, so when we're gonna go and meet them we passed by a pub and there was a REALLY REALLY drunk man who was fighting and screaming to the security guard and then the security guard got really angry and took out something looked like a stick and punched the man in the face with it and the guard was screaming. When you scream in like english It doesn't sound very scary but in German... gash.. I though I was gonna cry It looked really scary. The guard took the man into a vault and then I didn't saw anymore but it sounded like he was kicking him. Really scary! :O
Then we got home and sat in the living room, Me, Svenya, Röschen, Röschens boyfriend and Brother and Svenya's cousin. It was really fun. We sat up all night. At 3am Svenya, Röschen and Röschen boyfriend went to bed and I sat up with the boys. I learned them some swedish, like "Du är en bajskorv" (You're poo?) I was really funny, and then I started to sing Durch den monsun and they said my german was really good! haha. I think we got to bed like 5am.

Day 4- Saturday
I woke up beside Svenya's cousin Stefan ;) Really nice, and today me and Svenya were taking the train to Köln because we were gonna meet her mother and her Boyfriend there :) It was really fun and Köln is so beautiful on the night! If you havn't been there, I recommend it! To see all the light, the church, to walk by the river, It was really beautiful. :) We went to the amusement park, a lot of carusells and other fun things :) My honey Svenya was so cute she bought me a heart where it said: Ich liebe dich :) <3 Then I found this biig "Paris Wheel" you know a big carusell what's goes round and round and you can see very far. It was 55m high. Svenya didn't want to go in it but I wanted so her mum's boyfriend and me went up in that high wheel ;) You could see so far, it was really pretty. Then we drove home, ate, met Svenya's friend a little and then watched tv and slept. :)

Day 5 - Sunday- Sweden :(
Today was my last day in Germany :( Me and Svenya woke up late, we were really tired. When we had ate and finished everything we took a walk, the whole family. So nice, the boyfriend lives in a very cute city :)
At 3.30pm we took the car to the airport - Weeze.. there we checked in.. It took 15min for one family to check in.. gash, my grandmother is faster! xD When we were gonna say goodbye.. It was really hard, both me and Svenya started to cry.. :( It was really hard to say goodbye, we had spend 4 wounderful days together. <3 I hope we'll see eachother again soon, I miss them already, very much!!!  It was really hard to get on that plain, but I did it and now I'm back In sweden.

That was my days in a summary In Germany, A very long post so I hope you liked to read it.. I know there must be a 1000 spelling misstakes but you all will understand what It says anyway. There's a lot of text and I don't want to read it all through a lot of times to check for spelling misstakes. So 2sec after this post I'll have a post with ONLY pictures =)

- Sofia

day after Halloween.... *tokio hotel found true love*

well, on November 1st, people are ussually hungover, or sick because of all of the candy they ate the night before.
me? im on my computer in my pajamas eating oreos.
how lovley, isnt it? XD
well i'd KILL to be in Germany right now, and my mom said shes send me (yay) when i learn the language (not so much YAY anymore...)
its so hard. iv'e been learning for like three weeks and all i know how to say is "hello", "how are you?", "im good", and "i want water"
anyways, Tokio Hotel finally found their true love in America... HALLOWEEN CANDY!
omg when Bill eats the sout candy, HIS FACE IS HALLARIOUS! omfg its pricless!

i know the quality here is VERY bad but ill get the bette rone as soon as someone teaches me how to put a video here.....

HAHAHAHHA! OH MY GOSH THIS ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH! he looks like he's going to cry!

anyways, i'm going yo my room to get more yummy cookies! and i have to call caroline to ask her if im going to her house
im SOOO bored here i need to GET OUT!

Laura. <3


Guten Tag

im here with my friend Jessica (jess says hii) while im blogging and shes on her phone XD
i feel like a bad person cause last time i wrote anything was like....teusday!
sofia is better at thiss.....XD

aww look at jess being all cute! XD

me, haydee, and Jessica  (i have fake scars by the way =] )

hola yo :] <---- jess wanted to write that! =D
so yeah i have nothing to write
im gonna stop here



i am SO late and im SOORRYY! i have SO many things going on!
Sofia left like YEARS (okay DAYS) ago!
i hope she has fun! i know she will, Germany is AWESOME!
im trying to learn the language...and im getting a little better! even though i could only count to twenty two XD
and i can say hello and how are you? ...the basics! =D
me and fake blood + vampire fangs....i look retarded
scary right? XP


I got home earlier from town than I though I would, my dad picked me up. It was fun to see Izza again =) I also meat my friend Martin when I was there too,(He said, next time his going to the U.S, I can go too, haha) long time sense I saw him too AND I aslo meat my old teacher Mrs.Vallin :)

I finally got some sleep now 1 hour, but that's better than nothing so now I'm hungry and we're gonna in 30min.. give me food!! Starving x) .. It can also be that I'm so nervous, I have this strange feeling in my stomach, who am I gonna hold hand with when we are lifting and landing?? =o *help*
haha, My friend Dat said something really sweet ; The holiday is not gonna be the same without you. :/ hahaha, He loves to talk to me on MSN! ;) I'm his god. ^^

hmm.. I'm gonna go and play some cards with my sister now.. maybe the time will go faster, but I don't think so. It's not fun to play with her, I ALWAYS WINN. I'm so good! ;)

Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye <333

I'm so good!

Yes I'm good, and fast! I sat the clock alarm on 8.30am so I had 3 hours to get ready, I though, omg can I really make it? Take a shower, wait 'til my hair is dry, fix it, eat breakfast, do my makeup, get dressed and then walk.. Here I'm sitting, 1 hour later..
I havn't slept at all tonight, well, 1 ½ hours that's it! I woke up at 2.45 and fell a sleep again maybe 6.30 ? The clock rang at 8.30 but I got up 9.30, It was so cool someone in my dream said that I have to get up so I woke up and looked at the clock and it said 9.30 so I ran in to the shower x)
What am I gonna do now? My dad called and said that I could take the bus, that he'll pay that so the bus is going in 1 hour and I'm ready and have nothing to do.. :/

My mum found my passport and she said she found some euro too, 10 euro :D awsome and I could take them too, I'm a rich bitch! I hope I don't have to show them my passport, It's really embarrassing.. It looks like I'm gonna kill someone any second. x) Like Shervin when we were on Bornholm, when they bought.. "a soda" he showed his passport and apologized for the picture. HAHAHA! He looked like a mass murderer,haha sorry Shervin <3 I love you anyway! ;)

I'm gonna go and do something useful, but what can that be? I KNOW, watch my Tokio Hotel recordings! :D haha, maybe I have time to write something  when I get back from town.. But take care! ( I don't know how many times I've said that but I mean it! )

Don't forget to listen to JENS PÄÄJÄRVI :D



I want to say goodbye, this will be my last post before Germany. Tomorrow I have no time for my lovely computer, I think. Maybe, I won't promise anything. Maybe a short post tomorrow..
I'm gonna go to bed now, I have to get up early tomorrow because I'm gonna meet my friend Izza in town at 12.30, we're gonna hang out before I'm "flying away"! ;) haha. I need to change my money to euro and buy a new shirt. It's been a while sense I saw her.. It's to bad, my old friends I don't see as much lately. "/ I miss them.. Like Cisella, we just talked on the phone.. IT FEELS LIKE YEARS sense last "/.. So decided that we're gonna spend more time together! He have to, I don't want to loose her.

Okay, but now I'm tired, I just want to recomend a singer, he's name is Jens Pääjärvi and he came at 4th place in Swedish IDOL 2005. He was my favourite, I like him very much, he's a great singer and He's songs are awsome. So I really think you should look and listen to his song on myspace . I really want to buy his CD it's so good. But that's just my opinion, I hope you all listen and tell me what you think! :)

Sleep well everyone.. It's Laura who will write all posts now until I get back, but she's good at it so It won't be any problems! :)



Hello allihopa everybody!

Princess is back!
haha, okay not much have happend sense I wrote last, me and my mum have baked tasted delicous and just watched TV. Nice monday!

Later when my friend Mattias get's home I'll go out and "hang out" with him, or just sit outside for a while and talk. Long time sense I saw him, but still we are neighbours, only one house between our houses. xD I want to see him before I go to Germany.. He comes home around 10, so what shall I do until then? Watch Tokio Hotel? Chat on msn? Watch hockey with my dad?  =o



I know I just publiced a post 2sec ago but I forgot to add this video.. SUPER SCARY! It's like Bill is a pharaoh!


2 days left..

Only two days left... and then.. GERMANY! or dåttjland (Deutschland) as my brother-in-law said. x) My plane lifts at 21.40 (9.40pm) from Nyköping and lands 23.35 (11.35pm) in Weeze. So If I crash I won't see it because it's so dark outside!
If I crash, I want you all to know that I love you! But I hope I'll survive...

Yesterday we had a "girls night", me, Lina & Nathalie. I'll show some picture, but I don't have any pictures of Nathalie.. we didn't take any when she came! I don't know why! xD

This will be a short post because I'm gonna bake (!) now, so my mum and me have something to eat when we're watching a movie.. AND MY MUM IS COOL, SHE HAS A PICTURE OF TOKIO HOTEL ON HER MSN! :D I'm so proud of her..

I will write later.. I think I need to write as much as I can now because In 2 days I'm leaving and won't be home until SUNDAY! that's 5 days.. 5 days In germany.. the home country of Tokio Hotel! :)


Me and Lina in my pink dress ;D

Yeah.. That's it for now.. I'll write later.. I'm gonna go and bake now.. Take care cuties :* <3

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