New shoes!
On my grafic communication lesson today me and my friend Emelie order shoes .. well one pair each, the same model and everything just different colours.. I took pink and she took brown! We'll get them in 7-9 days, Can't wait! Soon my feet won't be so cold anymore, *yes*.
What else, me and Emelie also watch the classic "Leif Loket Olsson" when he calls RUT (That's a old swedish name!) haha, so funny everytime, and we found a new video from the swedish news, HAHAHA "Thank you Leif Falukorv". Falukorv = big sausage ;) To bad for Laura who doesn't understand swedish because sometimes it can be very fun, (but I'm translating sometimes..)
I also had 4 hours textcommunication today.. it was pain in the ass.. we had to write about Julmust (we in sweden drink it in the winter, around christmas, instead of coke) What kind of task is that? ;S I think it's something wrong with our teacher..
No english today *WOHOOO* so I got home early .. and I fell asleep x)
When I logged on msn - LAURA WAS ONLINE!!! That's not happen very often, but It was fun, She's so sweet. :)
Okay.. now did someone add me on msn, who can that be?? He's not online =o I hope it's someone cute ;)
My shoe!! cute huh? ;D It's PINK!
As I said before, Jens has a new single both me and Laura loved it so I hope you do too.. It called "Let you go" and you can find it here and some other songs (: And something cool, Laura is friend with Jens on myspace, hihi :)
Tschüs lieblings <3
- Fija*
What else, me and Emelie also watch the classic "Leif Loket Olsson" when he calls RUT (That's a old swedish name!) haha, so funny everytime, and we found a new video from the swedish news, HAHAHA "Thank you Leif Falukorv". Falukorv = big sausage ;) To bad for Laura who doesn't understand swedish because sometimes it can be very fun, (but I'm translating sometimes..)
I also had 4 hours textcommunication today.. it was pain in the ass.. we had to write about Julmust (we in sweden drink it in the winter, around christmas, instead of coke) What kind of task is that? ;S I think it's something wrong with our teacher..
No english today *WOHOOO* so I got home early .. and I fell asleep x)
When I logged on msn - LAURA WAS ONLINE!!! That's not happen very often, but It was fun, She's so sweet. :)
Okay.. now did someone add me on msn, who can that be?? He's not online =o I hope it's someone cute ;)
My shoe!! cute huh? ;D It's PINK!
As I said before, Jens has a new single both me and Laura loved it so I hope you do too.. It called "Let you go" and you can find it here and some other songs (: And something cool, Laura is friend with Jens on myspace, hihi :)
Jens Pääjärvi <3
Tschüs lieblings <3
- Fija*