Any minute now i'm going to bed, I have to go up at 5.45am becase me and my dad are going to Stockholm tomorrow at 6.30 (!) It's gonna be so fun to be there but not so fun to get up at 5.45, I'm not gonna be in a good mood in the car!


and oh, gash I almost forgot, we got a new bird today.. His name is : ARTHUR He is sooo cute!!! :)

okay, now.. good night!



It's been more than a week sense I wrote something.. I had nothing to write and I have been busy! Sorry!

I can tell you, this weekend have been so much fun, Lina my friend from Växjö came and visit me and Linköping (Swedens most boring city)! We have watched the Tokio Hotel dvd's, watched Arthur und die minimoys in German, My new favourite movie, and on Saturday we went Bowling, our names was "ILYBKaulitz" and "BillKaulitz". Nice names huh? I wonn... 3 strikes and once, instead of throwing the ball forward I throw it back! *Applause to Fija*
I had a really nice weekend! (:

Yesterday my teacher told me, or us, me and my class that we don't have school on thusday's and thursday's until week 15! :) So I only have school 3 days/week! yaaaay! :) *happyface*
I'm free today and on thursday so och thursday I'm going to STOCKHOLM to my big sister, staying til sunday. :) It's gonna be so much fun, I havn't meet my sister for a very long time, or her husband. When me and my sister talked about it first she started to laugh and asked if I heard what Wictor said.. He said" NOOOOO!" haha, But I know he want's me to come, he misses me.. LOL! xD I'm sure he'll say at least ONE mean thing about Tokio Hotel... we always do..... xD


A small picture "catchup"

Lina's birthday! She's now 18!

Fija* does not longer smoke! *saving money*

Bill my baby have dreads *crying*

Pictures from this weend:

I have the same Tokio Hotel bracelet! (: Tokio hotel<3

and finally......
Me chasing the ball!


friday ! :)

yay its friday finally!
this week was long because i couldnt wait untill friday -__- . school is boring me.
it was hurting for like 2 days now.... :( ouchies.....
to ease the pain of my finger.... i made cookies! yaaaaaaaaay! x)
its one of those that you make from the kind of cookie dough you buy.... like the ones that you put in the oven for ten minutes? As if I cook from scratch hahaha xD

^^ his name is Mr. Cookie x)

well im going to eat these yummy cookies! (they taste better than they look..... trust me )

i was so happy when i read your post


YAY! x) i feel special lol
there's only one problem here though... I CANT FIND US!

i was looking all over but still -___-
try looking for Sofia and I ! we're lost! hahaha

bye bye! talk to you later!
-lauraa ♥


Hello, how are you? I'm fine I got out from the shower 10min ago so now I'm sitting here drinking my tea and chatting with my big sis om msn =) We are talking about her ex boyfriend that me and my dad met last sunday, haha.
...And the blue in my hair is getting lighter and lighter... hm, I have to colour it again soon.

Okay I have nothing really that I want to say.. YEAH ONE THING, LAURA WE ARE BOTH ON THE TOKIO HOTEL FAN POSTER 2008!! I got so happy when I found out :)

shalala, I'm bored I think im gonna go to bed soon and read... BREAKING DAWN (Love that book<3)
Oh, next week, on friday my friend Lina from växsjö is coming to visit me!! :D I'm really looking forward to that! =) And she has the movie "Arthur und die minimoys" you know, the german version.. Bill are the voice to Arthur!

blablabla.. now i'm boring so good night everyone!



As you know, me and Isabelle went to Stockholm this friday, the train left at 9.05am (!) and home 6.55pm.. LONG DAY!
We also took the train to my grandmother to eat.. WOFFLES!!! After we've been to my grandmother we went back to town to do some more shopping and it was soooo cold.. I couldn't feel my ass, it was so cold. :(

30min before the train was leaving.. at Isabelles grandmothers house!

New sweatshirt!

New bag! (:

PANTIE PANTS! haah x) Looks like it's size XXXXXXXL but it's not :)

That's it.. hm I want a chocolate bar but I don't have one... :'(


I'm home.. after 5days in Eskilstuna... 5 very funny days =) I've been home awhile but I have watched tv with my parents and so,.. (:
I havn't got all the pictures from Isabelle get and the time is now 1am.. (good morning). I'm gonna show you pictures of my new clothes tomorrow,

Now I can't hardly see because I'm so tired and I need to go to bed.. But I can show you two pictures, (I promised Laura), on my blue hair and on my CUTE WONDERFUL bird.. She's sooo cute, I'm inlove with my bird!!!

Here she is, my pearl <3

Blue hair x)



i have no school all week!  WHOO!  lol
as good as no-school-for-a-week sounds, ..... im super bored -_-
i've been on the computer for HOURS now. i have homework to do but im dont feel like doing it... too bad.

sofiaa and i were talking on MSN yesterdy and OMG.... i like her cute little birdy xD lol von lidl :)

as soooooooo angry yesterday! i went to the mall and they DIDNT HAVE the new TH shirt i wanted >:[

^^ look how HAWT that shirt is. I WANT IT!!!!
so im not in the best mood today lol

picture timee!!!!!!! :

i got those glasses yesterday. their heart shaped glasses. x)

well i have to go now because my mother is like "get off the computer!" and im tired. -_- lol
i'll write later hopefully. :)

-lauraa !


Good morning.. The time is now 11am.. and I'm finished with everything,.. The bus is going at 12.45pm and the train is leaving at 2pm. so.. What am I gonna do now? It looks like i'm moving away for 2 weeks, x) Half my closet is in that bag. + that I have another bag with other stuff in it.. yaay.

This was just a short goodbye post.. I'll write when I get home =)



Good morning.. I'm up very early (11.14am) because today I'm gonna pack my clothes and stuff, i'm leaving tomorrow.. Here I come Eskilstuna! I just got out from the shower so now I'm sitting here waiting on my hair to dry and ofcourse I'm watching youtube (what's better than youtube in the morning?).

Later today when I'm finished with myself and some packing (my mum said she could help me tonight.. wash some clothes and stuff) I'm going to hang out with my friend Cisella .. I havn't seen her for a very very very long time. I don't know why but my "old" friends I don't see as much lately.. Some I lost contact with and some I just don't.. talk to.. why?  It's really sad..

I know that many people thinks that my new bird looks funny with the hair.. but I think it's super cool.. she looks pretty! 8D
My pretty bird Von Lidl, Can't wait 'til Saturday so I can see you for the first time!

Oh yeah.. I can tell you about yesterday.. First me and my dad went to our summerhouse to see if was still standing, it was, then we went to get my train ticets..(I wonder where they are now,? omg.. I have to go and look) After, when we got home again I called my friend Lina.. she was babysitting close to where I live so I went over there. First the baby, super cute and her name was Sofia, she was screaming, screaming, screaming, and like 1 hour later when she got some food she got in a very good mood, laughing and smiling.. :) Really fun and a super cute baby!

I'm gonna go and fix myself now.. clothes, make up and my hair!


Gash It's been ages sence I "wrote" the last post.. sorry.. So a small catch up now before I'm going to bed.
It's been so much in school now, tests and essays and other stuff so that's why I havn't been writing and when I had free time and did other stuff, friends, reading my book etc. Yesterday I started my one week holiday, (sportlov) so nice.. this two weeks before we had like 3 tests and one big essay to write, not very fun..

Today it's valentines day.. my mum went to Stockholm yesterday to hang out with friends so we were gonna pick her up at the station at 2pm so before me,my dad and my sister went to the mall, I didn't buy anything but we talked about buying a new bird.. so we went to two different animal stores and in the second one we talk to a girl who worked there and she gave us there number, so if we wanted to have the birds (they didn't have it there, they had to like order it) we should call them and say that we wanted one.. When we had picked mum up we talked to her and she said okay.. So my dad called and on wednesday maybe we are getting a new member of the Sandeqvist/Solman family... WELCOME VON LIDL (the name of the new bird, it's a girl).

This bird is different from the other canarie birds that we have..
This one has like a little hat on the head, (SUPER CUTE)!
Well.. as you all know, it's valentines day today (40 more minutes) and my dad gave me a handmade (not by him) neckless with two purple hearts, so cute.. thank's dad! (My mum got one with green hearts and my sister got another one with silver hearts)

Yes.. whatelse.. I'm reading the book Breaking Dawn.. love it but I really hate Jacob.. xD It's not released in swedish get and I really couldn't wait so I bought it in english.. (:
lala.. OH! On thuesday I'm going to my friend Isabelle in Eskilstuna.. =) I'm staying 'til saturday and on friday we're going to Stockholm (!) SHOPPING!.. (Tokio Hotel stuff)
Hm. I have two more stuff to tell you about that's happend before I go to bed..first.. Yesterday I ordered a pink Tokio Hotel mobile shell :D PIMP MY CELLPHONE! My cell is gonna be the hottest in Sweden!..second thing, I have cut my hair.. Yeah I'm gonna show you a picture.. I didn't like it in the begining but now I'm used to it so yeah.. I "like" it.. (:

That's it for now.. small catch up! I write more before I go to Isabelle..

I'm to tired to chance any mistakes.. you just have to live with it!!!

happy valentines day! :)

happy valentines day!
i dont know is it's celebrated in Sweden or not, but its a day to celebrate love! lol

i dont really care about it much, but i like it because guys give me candy 8] hahaha xD
(thats why my teeth hurt. :( too much chocolate!)

happy valentines day !!!!!!!!! <33


YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS VIDEO.. His name is Robert Gustavsson, a swedish comedian. He speaks funny english.. omg, he's killing me.. SO FUNNY. You all have to see this!!!

people are so rude...

Tokio Hotel have become SUUUUPER successful and we all know that there are some supporters,... and some haters ......  like these .

those people dont know what they are talking about.... TH is the best band ever
( i dont know who won "worst band" i think it was the jonas brothers... they were also up against Oasis, Scouting for Girls, and fall out boy...)

-laura. x)

Bill can't Say "Douz"(Twelve in french)xDD


im back !

YAY! im finally writing something! its been so long :(

well this was a busy week which is why i couldnt go on as much. but its finally the week end now! *and i get to SLEEP* lol
okay quick update on anything that was interesting while i was gone:

even though my birthday was like a week ago, i celebrated it next Sunday. Cause my parents are late. xD

that cake was so good !  :O it was ice cream cake  *omg look how messed up that TH logo is lol*

and we're skipping all the way to FRIDAY: i went to caroline's house ! (like i do every friday) and school was ACTUALLY fun ! i was running around taking pictures lol

caroline looks like a crazy person. O.O

yay! taking pictures is fun! :D lol

heheheh xD
byeee! <3


Yesterday nothing special happend, I had one lesson (Swedish), and after I just hanged out with Lina.
Later I didn't do much, watched TV with my parents ;P But today....... or tonight, me and Lisa are going to the cinema to see "Valkyria" you know the "Hitler movie", and then I'm sleeping at Lisa's place :)

I have to get ready no, I still havn't fixed my hair.. right now I'm looking like this..

HAHA x) I really need to fix my hair.. =)

Now I really have to go, Lisa is coming soon, haha...
tschüs ♥

I'm back!

Yes I'm back.. on the track... hehe, not funny.
Okay I havn't been written for awhile.. I don't know why? Nothing special have happend?? Instead of writing here I've been hanging out with friends, watching Tokio Hotel. Oh, I've also been playing rockband.. My parents bought it for me and my sister.. It's so funny, but hard.. omg :P But you know what!? WE HAVE TOKIO HOTEL - MONSOON. :D love it love it love it.

Today... Instead of doing our work, Me,Lina,Emelie and Albin went to our photostudio and took some funny pictures!! I have the best friends in the world!! It was so much fun, and our pictures are so hot! ;D
Well.. I don't have much to say actually.. But I'm gonna show a few pictures from the photostudio!

Emelie & Albin

Lina,Albin,Emelie & Fija* ^^

30sec before I start singing...


There are so many more pictures... but this is enough for you..:)


We had no school today (Thursday) so Lina was sleeping here tonight, we had so much fun, first we watched an interview with Robert "Hottie" Pattinson, (<3) and then we went to buy pizza for me,Lina and my family. :) Later, when we had taken a nap we went to buy flour for Lina (She's allergic to "normal flour") because this morning we baked Scones for breakfast.. or lunch?? (We ate breakfast at 1.30pm)!! 
Because we were up late because we played nintendo wii, my dad got one like 2 days ago so we played from 10.30pm - 1.30am..(I think??Something like that) I can tell you, my livingroom smelled like FEET.. haha!

Ofcourse we took alot of pictures, I'm gonna show you a few (: hihi..


GUN0.o <3
The one and only!

happy birthday me! :) *go obama!*


its my birthday todayy!

lol just kidding. My birthday was on the 19th  ;) but still... happy birthday me =D !
I had no school yesterday on my birthday (oh yeah) so it was fun! caroline slept over =D

^^ lol dont know why this picture is SOO hallaious to me! xD [im the loser covering my face from the camera hehehe ].. we were SOOO tired xD lol

YAY! I spoke to Sofia today! :) i haven't spoken to her in forEVER so that was cool lol
I'll be sure to sign on MSN much more =]



we were watching the inauguration (where they swear him into office) today in school and we were SO happy when the guy (don't know who he is lol) said "congratulations Mr. president" . That was awesome. Our president rocks.
then after obama's term is over..............Bill Kaulitz 8)


-lauraa. <3


hm okay, how am I gonna start, you know I've been babysitting this week so I had no chance to blog so,I thought I would write a short post before I go to bed now, I'm soooo tired!

It's been awhile sence me and Laura talked, I have send her text messanges, but did you get them Laura? and we have sending e-mails.. talking about JENS! I was so happy, I was chatting with him on facebook, hihi =) I told him about Laura, that she's a fan from NY, he thought it was really cool! =)
I got so happy when he answered me :)

hm, yeah.. OH! yeah a guy I have on my msn, he's really really really good in photoshop so I asked if he could to a picture for me, and he could.. It's awsome!! =)

okay, I'm going to bed know, I'll write tomorrow.. Good night everyone! ♥

I love it! <3

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