poor gustav =[

i was SO sad when i saw this picture

^^ im pretty sure he's out of the hospital now, but still this picture isn't cool man! =[

5 more days ???

5 more days until what you ask? MY BIRTHDAY :D ! yay!
JANUARY 19 !!!!

yay sofia just sent me an E-mail! i havent spoken to her in FOREVER !!! =D

my friends edited some of my pictures!!!!

they look sooooooooo cool! here are some of 'em:

my friend Kandace did that one ^^

^^ CAROLINE did that one! wow i wish my eyess were really like that! lol

^^ i did that one myself! i think it looks cool 8] oh yeah lol

=/ - short post

haii everyone !!!
first thing
i wanted to say: omg sofia's chicken story is HALLARIOUS! HHAHAHAHAH! the chicken is so cute! i loved it
<333 it's the best story ever!

and second: my teeth hurt =[
i dont know why this always happens to me for some reason. ouch =[
but on the bright side, they're saying Gustav is feeling better from his surgery ! so now im happy

im going to go watch caugh on camera now because i always feel better when i watch that. Bill and Tom make me laugh XD hahaha
byeee ! ♥♥♥

Mr Chicken!

Haha, A long time ago.. okay.. maybe 1 year ago my friend Lina did a few videos.. Mr chicken it's called, and I'm in that video.. I had forgetten about them but Lina hadn't so she showed it to our friens Elf and haha it's so funny and very good. So i'm gonna show you, but the pictures of me are not very good so.. xD It was one year ago.

here you can find the second and third 

Tell me what you think ;) haha.<3

boring... i rock at monsoon ;]

I have no school today! yay!
but still im here doing nothing. o.o
omg yesterday i was at my friends house and we FINALLY got monsoon on guitar hero!
Sofia was telling me how she got a perfect score and i totally wanted to play it too
i was playing on expert and i didnt even need to look at the words. as a band, we got more than 200,000 points! =O
oh yeah. XD lol

OMG!!! i love Sofia's new TH magazines!!!!! i wish they sold those here!!!! grrr....
all our magazines have miley cyrus posters. i hate her. she's taking the place of Bill Kaulitz =.=

bye byeee! I'll write later when i have something interesting! XD

me and Isabelle

My friend Isabelle have been here for 3 days, we have had so much fun =) We went shopping monday + today.. sunday we just watched all the Tokio Hotel dvd:s and played games, talked..

Monday we went to town.. hehe,
Isabelle bought: Tokio Hotel - caught on camera, Zimmer 483 and Schrei live dvd,
Fija bought: Tokio Hotel - leb die sekunde dvd

haha.. we also bought Tokio Hotel magazines.. One with only posters in it and one with 1 HUGE poster and some other things.. Tokio Hotel 2008, what they have done this year :) ALL IN GERMAN. + we bought other stuff to ofc!


my two magazines

Me and my HUGE Bill Kaulitz poster!

new poster!

more posters :)

one new poster on Tom ^^,

new poster (!)

I made my mum a little picture memory with stuff from the Tokio Hotel
concert, her ticet, the star, the glove etc =) She's gonna have it in her office!

Last picture.. We had so much fun these 3 days.. tomorrow it's school :(




This satuday has almost come to an end.. okay a few hours left ;P Today has been a day when I havn't done anything.. well I have but nothing fun or important.
My dad woke up me at 1pm and after that I've watched tv.. A watched a show about the worlds smallest people.. they were so tiny, small and cute! :) It was so nice just to lie there in my bed, but then I got a text message from my neighbour.. he wanted me to come and meet him >< He was a little drunk yeah.. but In my pyjamas I went out in the cold.. Sometimes I'm TO NICE!

When I got back home I sat with my parents and we were chewing gum together and blow bubbles and had a competionen who could sound the loudest with their gum ;> Retard family XD hahah but it was so funny!

Later, me and my mum watched ♥Tokio Hotel - caught on camera♥ together :D haha It was so funny.. my mum think so too, she lauged alot xD

TOMORROW, my Tokio Hotel- Sister is coming to visit me :D Can't wait, It's gonna be soo much fun :D She's gonna stay 'til thuesday so no blog until then.. =)

So okay,take care everyone!
love you always ♥


HAII! happy '09 !!!

its finally 2009! omg time went fast !
anyways im writting this on the 2nd because i was sleeping all day yesterday. i was wiped out lol.
and my tummy was hurting all day yesterday ! =[ 
now i can say "Gott nytt år" which means happy new year. YAY! XD
we had a BIG problem with that "a" thought because that little thing on the top. my computer cant do that >.< LOL
well i hope this year is a LOT better than last year. the new Tokio Hotel album is coming out in the Spring so i CAN NOT WAIT!! TH SERIOUSLY has to come here. they came to NYC like... twice.... thats not enough! lol 
and i hope everyone has a good year!

now its 11:00 here so i think i have to go.... My stomach still hurts i swear! lol

byee! im off to northern sweden to live in an igloo with Jens and penguins!!! ;D HAHAHHAHAH!


New year.. in sweden!

Happy new year everyone! Today it's new year and that means - PARTY @ LIL' LINAS PLACE! so nice (:
Me and Laura talk yesterday on msn.. She can say Gott nytt år and that means happy new year in swedish!
I told her that in sweden, in the northen sweden where Jens Päjäärvi live, people live in igloos and we have polar bears.. it's a joke and I don't think she believed it, but it would be so fun if she did xD haha..
And.. Laura said something wise too.. Sweden is the future, because when it is 2009 here, it's still 2008 in the US! haha (:

Well.. 2008, has been a great year I must say. I've meat ALOT of new friends, this is also the year when I saw Tokio Hotel for the first time (13 june 08, will always remember!) I went on my first trip to another country without parents  (Germany), So much have happend this year.. I hope 2009 will be as good as this year, and I hope Tokio Hotel will come to Sweden! (A)

I've also coloured my hair... BLACK! looks awsome!

Happy new year everyone, that it easy tonight or tomorrow! :) Let's hope 2009 will be as good as 2008!

küss lieblings<3

my hair is B.L.A.C.K (:

ayloooowwww !!!

ellooooooo everyone! i hope you had a nice holiday! ^_^
but now its back to work. >=/
i have to do a stupid project that i didn't realize was due the DAY i do back to school. that sucks because i didnt even start yet XD haha
............... and im too tired to start now......... SOOOOO...
i'll show you guys some pictures i took today =]

caroline when we were eating lunch today

i like taking pictures while walking... XD

MY NERD GLASSES!!!! - omg this picture is so dark =/ -

Caroline wasnt very photogenic today >=/

well thats all im going to write for now. my finger hurts. =[ and i think i should get started on that project... lol
Auf Wiedersehen

hoho merry christmas!

a little late maybe.. but.. xD
So how has your christmas been? My sister and her family was here for christmas, very nice.. but.. the day before christmas I got sick(!) very funny.. But even though I was sick I had a woderful christmas, I got alot of nice presents.


Some of the things I got
- Twilight the book
- underwear
- Perfume Paris Hilton
- a nice cool lamp
- T-shirt
- PINK hair strightener (spelling?)
- Tokio Hotel calender (!!!!!!!)
- A super cool clock

Me and Lisa went to Norrköping two days ago
and I bought this on New Yorker. LOVE THAT STORE!

This  too from New Yorker!

We stood 30min line so I could pay for this!
30 min.. gash xD

Merry Christmas !!!!!

( For us here in NY, its still christmas eve XD )
i hope everyone has a good holiday,  has fun, and gets what they wants! lol
have funn!!!

can't wait untill tomorrow!!!

i asked for Bill Kaulitz for Christmas ;D



whatsup everyone? well its Tuesday morning and my parents are working and i have nothing to do =/
So i'll tell you about my day yesterdayyy!!! =D
Monday pretty much SUCKED for me. I was annoyed the whole day >=[
But on the bright side....
i spent 200$ at hot topic XD LOLLLLLLLL
i dont know how much that is in Euros... hold on let me find out....
OKAY! i found out! (i actuallt went on a website and calculated... im such a loser XD )
thats 143.348 Euros. =O
it was supposed to be part of my christmas present but whatever...

and i finally got the TH sweater i wanted!!!

bad picture but whatever look at how hawt that sweater is XD

kay im going to go now. i have nothing else to write.
bye bye ! Auf Wiedersehen <33333



Helloo :)
Sunday today, normaly I hate sundays but not this one because I have no school tomorrow! :) I have worked soo hard this term so I really deserv a break (haha noot) but anyway:D

So what I have I done this weekend?

Friday: I was hanging out with Lisa! oooh.. forgot, first I was with Lina, because she called my at 11pm thursday and said: CAN I SLEEP AT YOUR PLACE!? I was like; yes okay? Where are you? And she was on the train to Linköping and she had missed her last bus home ;P haha! Well.. Friday was very nice :)

Saturday: As you know, me and Nathalie took the early train to Norrköping, very nice day! After that I didn't do much, I was so tired so I was home.. watching movies :)

Sunday: First I got an sms at 8.20am that woke me up a little.. and then again at 10am my dad came in and said: We'll eat breakfast together today.. I was like: GOOD MORNING OKAY! so.. after breakfast I went straight up to my bed and fell asleep again, my mum woke me up again at 2pm. ;P So not very much have happend today, me and my parents have watched the movie Eragon, great film! and my dad said these funny coments all time so I was laughing during the sad parts too xD

This was a summarize of my weekend, right now I'm talking to my german friend on ICQ.. I looked at picture from Germany before, and I miss it sooo much! I really miss germany! All the nice people! MISS THEM ALL!

Saturday - trip to Norrköping

Hello cupcakes!
How are you? I'm fine but VERY tired.. I woke up at 7.30am just because me and Nathalie was taking the train to our neighbour town (Norrköping) at 9.30 (!) So yeah.. but It was so fun, me and Nathalie had so much fun! =) We were talking about my trip to Germany on the train, about how nice it was there, what happend etc. So nice, I miss germany! Then, Nathalie said; You know what song I have in my head? - No?  Running through the monsoon, beyong tralal.. I was like, GOOD that's a good song to have in your head, keep it there ;) I was tryin' to learn her the German version but she didn't want to ;P
When we got to Norrköping we went to different stores, and we had soo much trubble with finding.. there are 3 galleries, and It was hard to know in which gallery the shops were in.. trubble trubble ;P We ran around like two chickens :)
So what did I buy? I bought a present for my sister.. the movie with the 3 guys I hate the most in the whole world.. JONAS BROTERS.. you can guess what movie.. -.-' I was like; I hope the girl don't think the movie is for me! haha, and I bought a dress for me, that I can have on christmas and on new year =) The pictures i'm gonna show is black/white but the dress is like purple/gray.. I'll show you a colour picture one day!

OOH, I learned Nathalie some words in german, HAHA! Some bad words Tom Kaulitz have learned me ;).. and I she can also say : Hast du eine kleine bratwurst, HAHA x) So cute <3

Pictures from today:

I just have to show you, I'm so happy.. MY TOKIO HOTEL movie, <3

Me and the mustasch! I know I looke scared, but I'm not x) I'm just not
very good in posing ;) haha!

money money money, Is very funny..

Nathalie and me (: I was soo not ready on that picture!! x)

My dress.. It's purple/Gray.. SO CUTE!

<3 I'm not naked and I look very BIG but.. x) Nathalie
is cute as always! ILY!

The picture says it all!


We had to wait at the station for one hour so we took a coffee (:

Last picture.. me on the station, waiting for the train..

Awsome day.. I really enjoyed it (: Thank you Nathalie. Love you<3

Finally vacation!!

today was my last day of school NOW IM ON CHRISTMAS BREAK! XD oh yeah! lol
now i can go to sleep whatever time i feel like! XD

theres something i like about this picture,....
anyways, thats how i looked in the morning! XD haha!


omg Caroline looks so lost!!!, just walking in the snow! HAHAHAH! XD

it so pretty when it snows!!! the only thing i dont like about it is thats is SO COLD. 
i wish snow fell when it was hot! XD

ok that's all im going to write for now. i just wanted to write a quick post.
my tummy still hurts becaause of all the christmas candy i ate.
i will never eat another candy cane again.

-xoxo Laura



OMG, listen to the chickens laugh, HAHAHA XD makes me cry..

and you know, I have winter holiday!! wohoo, good for me.. now I can sleep how long I want =)

to Sofia's mom! =]

Its so cool !!!!!!!
you'r offically the coolest mom EVER! XD

Tokio Hotel TV

it was sold out online, but when i went to hottopic it was there! YAY!

and i cut my hair! omg i didn't like it at first but im getting used to it now. ^_^

Gustav is so energetic in the dvd! he's all dancing all what not! LOL
i always fast forward to the rock climbing episode because his dance makes me laugh!!!


aaw Bill

Aww Bill.. No it's not! Your english is good, cutie <3

SOO CUTE, and see Tom looks like a santa clause x) <3

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