Hello, how are you? I'm fine I got out from the shower 10min ago so now I'm sitting here drinking my tea and chatting with my big sis om msn =) We are talking about her ex boyfriend that me and my dad met last sunday, haha.
...And the blue in my hair is getting lighter and lighter... hm, I have to colour it again soon.

Okay I have nothing really that I want to say.. YEAH ONE THING, LAURA WE ARE BOTH ON THE TOKIO HOTEL FAN POSTER 2008!! I got so happy when I found out :)

shalala, I'm bored I think im gonna go to bed soon and read... BREAKING DAWN (Love that book<3)
Oh, next week, on friday my friend Lina from växsjö is coming to visit me!! :D I'm really looking forward to that! =) And she has the movie "Arthur und die minimoys" you know, the german version.. Bill are the voice to Arthur!

blablabla.. now i'm boring so good night everyone!


Postat av: LINA

HAHAH sofia söt du e xD växjö stavas utan s Intev VÄXSJÖ utan VÄXJÖ hahah xD


2009-02-27 @ 09:51:09
URL: http://missinna.blogg.se/

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