Monday = sucks!

I guess I'm not alone when it comes to hate mondays? I could really need winter holiday now, or summer.. this summer I finally graduate! After summer 2010 - NO MORE SCHOOL FOR MISS FIJA! I've waited 12 years for this summer.. (I think!?).

I woke up 6am, and I thought I was gonna take the bus at 7.15am to school and then I remembered that I have the video camera so my dad will drive me to school in 30min.. >.< I've been sitting here on my fat ass for 30min doing nothing, waiting.. I could've slept 30min longer!

As you maybe understood I didn't feel very good yesterday, and I'm not in the top mood today eighter. Some things take time, and some doesn't. I'm gonna do my best to keep the mood up today, I don't want my friends to think that i'm boring ;p.

Today is a long school day, 8.10am - 3pm x_X kill me!? When I get home I'll go take a nap.
oh, and a big DANKE SCHÖN to Lina for this new design♥

btw, there's a hole in my sock :(


picture from summer 09


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