13/6 - 2009

One and only - ♥Tom kaulitz♥

Did you know what I did exactly ONE year ago? .. I was at my first Tokio Hotel consert, in Dortmund. It was the best day of my life! Nothing can ever beat that.. the first concert... that's special! You'll always remember the first time ;)♥

UH YEAH LAURA, I had that clothing too when I graduated, maybe I can find a picture somewhere and show you!

My sister and her husband had i "birthday party" today, they have both turned 35 so me and my parents and sister took the car EARLY this morning to Stockholm, there were family and friends there, people I havn't seen in a while, my cousin for example. :)

And in 1 week I'm off! It's gonna be 9 awsome days!
and hopefully i'm going to Växjö to Lina 12 July =) Miss my little pflaume! She's my best friend! LOVE HER!

Postat av: lina*



2009-06-14 @ 21:52:38
URL: http://missinna.blogg.se/
Postat av: Elina

Deras första singel ska släppas i slutet av Juli ;) Bara några veckor kvar alltså!

2009-06-17 @ 14:29:40
URL: http://kaulitzandthegs.blogg.se/

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