
Okay Now I'm really happy, everything is going perfectly.. for me! My parents said that I can go to Germany on my next holiday.. but my mum has to talk to their parents but that's cool! I'm so excited, It's gonna be so much fun! :)
And on Wednesday I'm starting my German lessons 6.15-7.45 pm :) AND I there is something almost even more fun thing that I'm gonna do.. BUT I WON'T TELL YOU 'TIL NEXT WEEK OR MAYBE THIS WEEKEND :D
My dad just came in and asked me where I'm gonna have it and I told him and he said: mm, I think that will be good. *yaaay* I'm soooo happy! My room is gonna be perfect! Can you guess what it is? ;D

This weekend my sister is coming and visiting us, without children and husband :(.. But it's gonna be nice to see her too, I miss my big sister! Not very often you get to meet her, She lives in Stockholm..The city Laura thought looked sooo beautiful XD haha.

Soon I'm gonna go and sleep, I'm tired and I have a long day tomorrow.. 8.15am - 4.00pm :( .. But next term I get a better schedule and don't end this late >.<.

So, How is it in NY today? :D tell me! I want to read about it tomorrow!

Sleep well!
Good night.
- Sofia

Bill Kaulitz as a waxdoll! On thuesday you'll be able to see this beauty
in Madame Tussauds in Berlin.. later it will be moved to Madame Tussauds
in London.. the other 3 guys will also be waxdolls.. :)
Tokio Hotel für immer <3

Postat av: Bellah

I know what u are going to do with your room, hihi : ) and its gonna be sooo nice:D:D


2008-09-30 @ 18:07:03

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