
Hey everyone! How are you? I'm fine just tired and i'm freezing, It feels like we don't have any heat at home! Okay you got me, Im living in a IGLOO xD (bad joke, but I'm tired..)

I had this test today that I told you about, and .. it went as bad as I thought.. But we have a new teacher on monday so whatever.. okay not whatever, this is about my grade but.. tourism? I don't know why i choosed that! Next time i'm gonna ask someone to choose for me. XD
 But I could go when I was finished so I came home 2 hours earlie, felt good. ;D

So today I have no plans, except for - IM GONNA EAT MY BEN&JERRYS. mohahah! And listen to Tokio Hotel. (A)
When my parents came home they said that it was a letter for me (yaaaaay!) and It was about my german lessons. I START ON WEDNESDAY 1/10-2008!! IM SO EXCITED! :) So now I have my wednesdays booked for 12 weeks LOL.

And now it's weekend so maybe me and Laura will be online on msn at the same time so we can talk! =) awsome.. we did talk last night, (When I was up very late.. haha) It was great, she's such a lovely girl! :) And don't forget to "scroll down" and look at the picture I put in under the headline "Thanxxx!!!!!! I know! " cute pic right!? =)

Now i'm thinking of going upstairs to watch one of my tokio hotel DvDs or ask my mum if she wants to look at the Lord of the Rings with me! I'm proud of her, she have watch all the Harry Potter movies, now it's only Lord of The Rings left! But I don't think she wants to.. She's reading the newspaper ><''

And I have no new news about Tokio Hotel. They are in the studio and working on there new album (WIHO). And I hope they'll come to sweden next year when they have their next tour, or else I will get mad.. really mad.. and sad.. :O

Have a nice friday!
tschüss :)




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