sunday morning...

well hello there! ^_^
this is one of the first times that im acctually writting a post early (its 10:08 early for me! )
yesturday was fun! XD even though it took me like 5 HOURS to take off my zombie/vampire/ makeup! >.<
and now i am here, waiting for caroline to pick me up so we could go do whatever we feel like.....after church.. XD
we must go to church like good little young women blah blah blah....

im the one on the far right! (whatsup with the date! its wrong! it says 10/5/2036! hahaha!)

me, Haydee, and Julia <333

Caroline and (half) of me! XD

well yeah i have to go call Caroline now and tell her that im ready (because it takes me 4 hours to get ready, the minimum) and i have my new TH shirt on *whoooo*
so Bill is coming with me!  mwa ha ha! XD


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