Today I'll get pizza!!! I told my dad I wanted Pizza for dinner, and he said "Okay, if you help your sister with her hair and makeup for the disco" (the disco that won't even have music?!)

anyway.. My day today was okay, on my first lesson I didn't do anything.. well yes.. youtube(!) (;
We started our second profile today, (the programe I go, we have special concentrations (? that's the word the dictionary said..) yeah and I have photo&text.. So I started with text today, If you don't understand it's like .. writing alot, reports, interviws, etc. You know? Okay anyway, We cut out different headlines from news papers, and then from those headlines we had to come up with our one headline, get it? :p I'm really bad at explaining. We could use only letters,  full words.. I came up with the headline : Tokio Hotel är tillbaka (tokio hotel is back) And then I though I had to come up with a story myself, but nono.. We're gonna send our paper around, so the people after wrote some sentence and the next one a few aso. The story I had in my head is not NEAR what it says on the paper ;p But if was fun to read (:.

Now I have no idea what to do, maybe learn some german? I have homework til next wednesday..*scared* I need to learn pronoun ;O
ich - bin
du - bist
er - ist
sie - ist
es - ist
wir - sind
ihr - seid
sie - sind
Sie - sind

Holy macarony! x) But now when I think about it, I think I already now them. good for me, less to do! xD

And this is me today:
Jupp I'm 17 I swear x)

I'll write later and tell you how good my pizza was (: Linköping has the greatest pizza in the whole world! Laura If you ever come here, WE ARE SO GONNA EAT PIZZA!
I love the pizza on Santorini too (Greece Island, me and my mum was there the summer I was gonna start 6th grade)


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