
Okay now I'm really nervous.. In 1 hour and 10 minutes im sitting on the bus to my first german lesson! I'm so nervous.. all these thoughts are going through my head; What if I'm the youngest and everyone else is like 50+ and Maybe the teacher is a  real b*tch" I don't know why I'm nervous, this is what I want, I want to learn german so.. but how nice would it be to sit 1 ½ hour every wednesday with only 50 year olds? XD Can't imagine that feeling.
So now I'm loading up with my Zimmer 483 DvD .. right now it's the song Vergessene Kinder.. so sad, I want to cry!

Just got the information that Tokio Hotel have 4 more conserts in the U.S.. (bad for us in Europe... are they ever coming back!?...)
24 October - Florida
26 October - Atlanta
29 October - Philadelphia
30 October - NEW YORK

Good for you Laura, if you go to that consert, take alot of pictures and send me.. and if you get the chance to talk to them, tell them about me and that I really want them to come to Sweden!!!! please? :)

Okay, So I just talked to my dad quick and I asked him about *the thing I wont tell you about 'til maybe this weekend or next week* And he said that he found this thing I can borrow so I can to the ************** ;) haha. Do you want to know what it is..? :D I wont tell you get.. it's a surprice and you will tell me what you think after!
There are just a few people who knows what I'm gonna do and they think it's a good idea so! (A)..

Now I'm gonna continue to watch my Zimmer 483 Live DvD.. I will write when I'm home and tell you how it was.. :)

- Sofia Sandeqvist

Postat av: Bellah

I think its a very good idea Fija** hihi, and i wish that Laura write more how it is in school and what u are up to:) because i want to read about that im curios(?) i dont know how it spells but at least i tried.


2008-10-01 @ 18:24:51
Postat av: dilnaz

sofia , jag vill veta ! haha (:

2008-10-01 @ 20:02:28

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