New year.. in sweden!

Happy new year everyone! Today it's new year and that means - PARTY @ LIL' LINAS PLACE! so nice (:
Me and Laura talk yesterday on msn.. She can say Gott nytt år and that means happy new year in swedish!
I told her that in sweden, in the northen sweden where Jens Päjäärvi live, people live in igloos and we have polar bears.. it's a joke and I don't think she believed it, but it would be so fun if she did xD haha..
And.. Laura said something wise too.. Sweden is the future, because when it is 2009 here, it's still 2008 in the US! haha (:

Well.. 2008, has been a great year I must say. I've meat ALOT of new friends, this is also the year when I saw Tokio Hotel for the first time (13 june 08, will always remember!) I went on my first trip to another country without parents  (Germany), So much have happend this year.. I hope 2009 will be as good as this year, and I hope Tokio Hotel will come to Sweden! (A)

I've also coloured my hair... BLACK! looks awsome!

Happy new year everyone, that it easy tonight or tomorrow! :) Let's hope 2009 will be as good as 2008!

küss lieblings<3

my hair is B.L.A.C.K (:


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