
Friday friday friday.. I'm so tired, I've been that all day so that's why I almost don't do anything on my fridays I'm only watching movies or chatting on msn.
I notices today that both me and Lina were very tired, that's why he had so fun on msn, in our webcams, I took a "screen picture" that I can show you. I forgot in the begining that I had my cam on with others so they thought I was a retard xD.

When I got back home from scool, guess what I did?! I PUT UP MY POSTERS!! (finally!) My door is now pretty again. I've waited so long but this morning I got the permission to put them up (:

Tomorrow I'll hang out with my best friend Lisa (: OMG, I had this nightmare about Lisa that she was pregnant!! It's was terrible, my little Lisa can't be pragnant! And she didn't wanted everyone to know so she told them that she ate alot. She was so fat :( The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to send Lisa a SMS and tell her that she can't get pregnant xD

Picture time!! :

just me..


Friday night on msn with Lina! hahah xD

And ofc congratz to Tokio Hotel, they won MTVLA. They were nominated
in 4 categorys, AND THEY WON ALL 4!!

Best New Artist International
Best Ringtone
- Monsoon
Best Fanclub - Venezuela
Song of the Year - Monsoon

Congratz boys, you deserv every price you'll get!! <3

I'm back!

.. And I can tell you, that pizza was delicious! It was only me and my parents home my sister are at some disco. We had alot of nice conversations, about "generation fat" for example, and how I would be as a mother, and that my parents will tell my kids that I'll do anything for them, buy them everthing. (;

After our lovely pizza-time, I had a even more lovely moment. my mum watched Zimmer 483 documentery with me. :O :) It was so good, it get's better and better for everytime you see it. AND I love the part when they are at a gas station (Don't remember in what city they are)

Bill: Look, he's running around barefoot!
Georg: At a gas station!
Bill: Barefoot at a gas station!
They're all crazy out there, He's barefoot!

HAHAHAH, omg Bill you're to cute <3

Sleep well leute :*

hahhaah babü ♥


Today I'll get pizza!!! I told my dad I wanted Pizza for dinner, and he said "Okay, if you help your sister with her hair and makeup for the disco" (the disco that won't even have music?!)

anyway.. My day today was okay, on my first lesson I didn't do anything.. well yes.. youtube(!) (;
We started our second profile today, (the programe I go, we have special concentrations (? that's the word the dictionary said..) yeah and I have photo&text.. So I started with text today, If you don't understand it's like .. writing alot, reports, interviws, etc. You know? Okay anyway, We cut out different headlines from news papers, and then from those headlines we had to come up with our one headline, get it? :p I'm really bad at explaining. We could use only letters,  full words.. I came up with the headline : Tokio Hotel är tillbaka (tokio hotel is back) And then I though I had to come up with a story myself, but nono.. We're gonna send our paper around, so the people after wrote some sentence and the next one a few aso. The story I had in my head is not NEAR what it says on the paper ;p But if was fun to read (:.

Now I have no idea what to do, maybe learn some german? I have homework til next wednesday..*scared* I need to learn pronoun ;O
ich - bin
du - bist
er - ist
sie - ist
es - ist
wir - sind
ihr - seid
sie - sind
Sie - sind

Holy macarony! x) But now when I think about it, I think I already now them. good for me, less to do! xD

And this is me today:
Jupp I'm 17 I swear x)

I'll write later and tell you how good my pizza was (: Linköping has the greatest pizza in the whole world! Laura If you ever come here, WE ARE SO GONNA EAT PIZZA!
I love the pizza on Santorini too (Greece Island, me and my mum was there the summer I was gonna start 6th grade)

rawr ~8:57~

i like this picture even though i look like a crazy person! XD
i look REAAALLY horrible and the editing looks ..... BAD!
but i like it! ^_^

i totally forgot that Sofia has an English test soon.
i want to help! i want to see how people teach English in different countries.
but she doesnt need the help; her english is REALLY great. she speaks like my friends and I would speak.
but i wanna help anyway! i want to feel important! XD

im bored and its way to early to go to sleep.
its 8:58
OH! i forgot i didnt do my history homework!
gotta go!
byee! <3

Meet Tokio Hotel? WHAT!?

I (at the moment) HATE the following places:
Phoenix, Arizona
Houston, Texas
Wilkes-Barre (where is that even LOCATED?!) , PA
and Orlando Florida
thats SOO not fair!
Okay, so they stay in the U.S. a lot, but they almost NEVER come to the CORRECT states! (which, if your wondering, should be NEW YORK!)

but, of course, theres a catch.
you could only get their autograph and meet them if you buy the Scream CD right then and there
what about those who already HAVE the CD? we get nothing? =(
so not cool.

i NEED (yes, NEED) them to make an appearance here, because i cant always go to their concerts.
if they come, i'll be happy then they could go back to Europe. hehe ^_^

"On The Edge"

"...her first time on the edge,
the scars will stay forever.
side to side with death,
a moment that feels better,
darkness and light, are blinding her sight.
she's not coming back..."

   <--- hehe,... he makes me laugh XD

bye everyone! i will now go in my room and listen to "On the Edge" on my scream CD. the one that WILL NOT be getting sighned by the band! =(
*cry cry*
Laura <3

Stille Nacht

I used to never like my new music teacher in school this year.
And thats kind of weird because i LOVE music. its my life.
but now i think it's going to get a little better. (yay)

today in music class she told us we were going to sing "silent night" for our Christmas concert (sounds retarded but every school does it okay? so dont laugh!!!! XD )
and im thinking to myself: Christmas? is she aware that christmas is in December? and were not even at the end of October?
This crazy lady needs a calendar.
but THEEEN she said we were going to sing it in spanish (not soo cool i already speak spanish), english (what does she think we speak every day?), French ( and GERMAN! (thats better)
thats cool because now when i go to Germany i wont be walking around like a total retard who doesnt know a single word. haha XD ... AND when i take German as a language next year, i'll be ahead...well.. KIND of ^_^
i started singing "durch den monsoon" and my friend was looking at me like "what is wrong with this child???"
^_^  just thinking about my boys in Tokio Hotel!

anyways, thats whats interesting at school.
and its not even THAT interesting. my school is just BORING!

hoping my school  gets interesting (we have a dance on Friday but theese dances SUCK! the real party is at the end of the year! whoooo yeah!!!!! >.<! )
much love,
xoxo Laura

oh God! this is me in my penguin pajamas! XD DONT LOOK! SHEILD YOUR EYES! 

Generation fat!

I'm home from my german now, well I got home about 1 hour and 20min ago x) The lesson was awsome, So to next week we have a homework, learn some gramatics ;) Read it once everday and you'll learn it.
I'm gonna go and watch some songs from "Schrei Live Dvd" before generation fat starts on tv, I have to see that. Who wants to weight 450kg? That's just sick.. But It will be fun to watch, and her husband that loves fat women? 200kg - that okej, 300-400kg that great! Does he really have a brain? well, people like different stuff.. Everyone's different but he's REALLY different. ;P

16/10 2008 - MTV Latin Awards, Guadalajara, Mexico
17/10 2008 - KISS FM (interview + performance), Phoenix, Arizona
18/10 2008 - Signing Session of Scream, Phoenix, Arizona
19/10 2008 - Signing Session of Scream, Orange, California
24/10 2008 - Signing Session of Scream, Orlando, Florida

24/10 2008 - House of Blues, Orlando, Florida
26/10 2008 - The Tabernacle, Atlanta, Georgia
27/10 2008 - Newport Music Hall, Columbus, Ohio
28/10 2008 - Signing Session of Scream, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
29/10 2008 - Electric Factory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
30/10 2008 - Roseland Ballroom, New York City, New York

I just found this list.. made me a little sad, It's good for people in the U.S but not for us in Europe. "/  Are they ever coming back? What about the party they promised us? When? When? When? When are you coming back?

Tokio hotel komm zürck nach elr zu Eropa!!!

I'm gonna go now, school tomorrow, but we have no english *yaaaay* So tomorrow I end 15.00, 3.00pm (;
Gute nacht meine liebling. ♥

Short post!

Okay this will be a short post because I need to eat before my german!
I woke up today and had a HUDGE headache, It felt like my head was gonna explode :( So my mum called and I told her and she said I could stay home from school. omg, I was in pain. 
I've been lying in my bed almost all day, I took a shower and made a cup of tea also. ;) I looooove tea.. 
Because I was home from school today I didn't know if I could go to my german, but my dad said I could if I wanted, OFC I WANT! I LOVE GERMAN! :D

OMG, this movie about "Tokio hotel tampongs" !? wtf.. click here to watch TH .. I got mad.. but it's a little funny too.

Now I have to go, I'm hungry and my bus is going in 1 hour..

BYE :*<3

guess who had fun on monday? ~ TH petition~

hello everyone!
guess who had fun on monday? ME! XD
i had no school (thank God
) so i went to one of my favorite places... the MALL! *gasp*
i spent all my money on candy and Tokio Hotel stuff (surprise surprise...!)

"I <3 PINK "
i like your shit! ^_^
thats so cool
fans in europe are smart....i dont know why we in the U.S. dont think of that! (were too dumb.....hahahah! no just kidding! =D )
anyways, so today in history class we had a lesson on time zones.
how boooorrriiiiinnnggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i used to NEVER understand that stuff but now i do because i learned how the clock works in sweden.
so now im smart! >.<

an YES i agree.

Tokio Hotel has to go to Europe. They spent a lot of time in the U.S. .....................................
HOWEVER!!!! when they ARE here in the united states, they go to places far away like Atlanta
where is that anyways?
i know how the fans in Europe feel


No imagination!

I have no imagination, but my friend Dilnaz just said that she likes to read what me and Laura are writing, So I'm gonna write a short post now so she can read. I just want to give her a biiig hug, She's so sweet! and she's a big Tokio Hotel fan ;)<3

I had a short school day today, so I got home, waited for Lisa to end her day. I watched some tv while I was waiting and then I send her an sms and asked where the h*ll she was, and I got the answer: Im on bus 18. And I just; okej stupid, that's the wrong bus, that's the bus that takes over 1 hour >< And I also got Lisa to admit that she needs to get help with sms-writing, She's really bad! I can't understand what she's saying. I wrote that I had to clean some in my room before she came and she wrote; Clean before the big horse comes? She was gonna write guest. (eng. Horse  Häst sv. and Guest - Gäst) Well, people from Sweden knows that It can be wrong when you're writing these words and don't change the word if it's wrong. OKAY BUT WHATEVER. Enough about my stupid friend Lisa! I love her anyway! xD

I have no more to write.. Just that in 15 days, I'm going to GERMANY!!  It's gonna be so much fun, and my friend Röschen does not know that I'm coming, It's a surprice (: fun right?

That's all I had to say now..

and this is me today:

ich liebe tokio hotel!


It's been another bloody monday..

Thank you, it's been another bloody Monday
And no one is asking what you wanted anyway
(8) I don't know why I wrote that but I just thought of that song when I was gonna write the headline, so instead of just "Monday" as a headline I wrote "It's been another bloody monday" as you can see! xD
 I hate monday's, and this wasn't exactly the best.. I think I slept 3 hours + In the morning.. It wasn't so funny... So I'm really glad, I have the best friends in the world! Thanks to Bellah, Tina & Lina - you guys always makes me smile! <3 + my other lovely friends, (you know who you are!)

After school me and my dad went to a "driving school" So I can begin to learn how to drive (finally)
We got a time for this 3-hours lesson, 13/11-08. so when that's done and I get some papers back I can start to learn how to drive (I know I'm late with that but so what, better later then never!)

Now I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed.. Tomorrow I have a long day so I need much sleep!! :(
Bye bye darlings ♥

my chickens + me xD


I'm sorry but this video.. It's so true! I cried like a baby when I saw it. Look at all our fan-meetings, When we are sleeping outside for weeks just to see Tokio Hotel.
 We in Europe are happy they've made it in the U.S but we miss them, We want to see them too and we hope they'll come back soon, just for a while, just a few concerts..

This is the European Tokio Hotel fans (:


I hate sundays (When I'm not with my friend Lisa ;p)..
When I woke up this morning I thought, "omg I have alot to do", okay.. I haven't done anything.. I know the day's not over get but I don't have any energy.. I want to clean my room, put up my posters, make a movie about Tokio Hotel, finish my novell. The only thing I've done today is sitting on my fat ass watching Youtube and talked to people on msn. Nice life I know! ..
AND I'M FREEZING! I'm sitting with my hands over candles so I won't turn into a iceman or something, It's really cold! I'm seriously thinking of moving to a country where snow doesn't exist, Africa maybe? I can't stand the cold.. But if I'm smart I can put some more clothes on.. xD I still have my pyjamas on!

If people from other countrys then Sweden wants to check out pictures from my days (I don't always add pictures here) I'm a member on this Swedish site "Bilddagboken" (Picture diary) If you click here you'll come to my page and then you see on the left side the months and then the dates, click on the dates that has a blue square. (:

Now I'm gonna put on some clothes, make a cup of tea and watch a movie, Tokio Hotel perhaps? ;)
Have a nice sunday all,

LOVE Sofia

Kaulitz twins ♥

omg skittles...

i was just watching a video on youtube and i just started laughing like CRAZY!
one second the camera shows Tom laughing
then Bill laughing
then when they turn back to Tom hes eating skittles. HAHAH XD
~ i dont know why i felt like posting this.... so deal with it! XP


"i was just going to say that...."

you know Sofia's most recent post, the one called "Bill Kaulitz <3" ?
i was JUST going to write something like that! haha
anyways, what i was GOING to say was....

my friend saw a picture of his hair straight down and she was like "i thought that was Vanessa Hudgens!..."
 EXCUSE ME!? Vanessa Hudgens WISHED she was THIS HOT!

Bill Kaulitz<3


Bill, meine liebe zu dir kann man nicht beschreiben, Ich liebe dich <3

Bad update!

Bad update I know, and I hope you havn't stop reading here. 

Yesterday was awsome! I had so much fun, Me, Lina, and Bellah went to Nathalies house to have a "girl-night" (But It wasn't a girl night, Timmy was there too). We watched Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix, talked, laughed and watch IDOL 2008. We also bought ALOT of candy! :D
Thanks girls + Timmy for an awsome night <3

Today, I woke up early (!!!) I don't know what's happend, Now days I always wake up early :( Maybe if my cousin calls I'm gonna stay at her place tonight, If not, I have no idea what I'm gonna do today!.. So I really hope she calls..

Jonas is going to Italy today, I'm so jealous.. 25'c .. what do we have here in Sweden? 10? *cold*.. But I'm going to germany in 2 weeks! Much better, it's the home country of TOKIO HOTEL the best band in the world.  :)
But It would not be wrong to skip the winter jacket, thic sweatshirts, extra socks and leggings under your pants.. haha!

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Me before I went to Nathalie..

Lina is giving me foot massage!



Awww, Harry Potter and Cho Chang! ;D

HAHAH, I love ths picture!


Me and Bellah xD

It was a very fun night and I really want to do it again! :D Girls, you rock!<3

- Sofia

=] ello evryone!

we'll first let me say (befor i forget!...) Sofia wont be posting anything today i think
well thats what she said on MSN! haha
i bet she'll have something awesome to tell us when she does post something ^_^
anyways,  nothing interesting going on
i swear if i were left in charge of this site with no help, i would lose like HALF the people who come here and put them to sleep! (-.- zZzZz...)
i got a book on Germany! (yay)
and on Sweden (even more yay!)
i really want to go there one day; those placaes are beautiful
thats why im jelous of Sofia! *grrr* haha XD
i have to go now if my mother sees me online im DEAD!
its only 9:58 though...= (
much love, Laura
<3 xoxox

No school until monday!

I have no more school until monday, so nice!
I can sleep how long I want 4 nights in a road, that's what I need. And If I'm lucky tonight when I'm "up late" (maybe if I don't fall asleep), maybe Laura is online on msn? :)

I don't have anyting really funny to say except for yesterday at lunch, Me and Lina was finished with our work so we went earlier to lunch and it was FULL, we didn't find a place to sit. (my school is Swedens 3rd biggest "high school" -Gymnasieskola-)
After a while we found a seat at....THE NERD TABLE. They are like 17 years old and then built a "tower" with there glass and thought it was funny? Me and Lina laughed too, but AT them and not at what they were doing..  *grow up boys* ;P

In 2 hours I have my second german lesson, I hope it will be as fun as last time! :) Maybe if I learn something funny I can write it here, haha! xD
My dad is making me something to eat stomach is speaking "I'm empty, give me food" (who's the nerd!? xD) So i'm gonna go downstairs now!


Bill, meine liebe zu dir kann man nicht beschreiben


I'm soooo tired, I had a long and boring day in school, I end school 1 hour ago, 6:00pm. I had 4 hours "Grafisk kommunikation", (graphic communications).. but 1 hour I just sat on a chair because I couldn't log in, not on one computer (!).. And we could go when we were finished, (ehh, ofc I can't finish if I don't have a computer)..But when one of my classmate was done i tried on her computer and it worked.(finally?)
 You know I'm always writing a post when I have graphic communications, that it's so boring and I'm not doing anything, this lesson were different. Today I worked alot, (well, I think I did, more than usual), I did one big poster for Don't Drink and Drive , two smaller once about the same thing, a poster were it stood : This is a great design and I had a picture of the tokio hotel logo! *mohaha* AND I aslo did a new frontpage of a swedish book. haha, I had a picture of an apple and a pear xD great swedish book. I'm proud of myself, I did a great job today!. haha!

Now i'm sitting here, drinking my tea and had just answered alot of comments on my "bilddagbok" (a swedish website).. Pictures of my room. People have asked me if I can add picture of my room there because they think it's pretty and want's insperation.. So I did and I got some great and nice comments. :)

IF YOU WANT I can show the pictures here? But that's just if you want to. I can tell you, It's a tokio hotel room! ;) haha.

I'm gonna go to my bed now I watch Tokio Hotel zimmer 483. :)
Maybe I'll write later, I'm not sure but I think I will.

tschüs ♥


Gustav und Bill
Devilish ♥

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