Hallo meine lieblings :*

Hello, Hej, Hallo!

Im sitting here now on my fat ass watching clips on youtube and talking to my lovely friends on msn! That's my life. Well, I've been with Lina today, it was so funny, we took the "school bus" to the station after school so that we maybe could take our busses home at 2:55pm.. so when we got off from the "school bus" we started to run towards our busses, and Lina run as fast as she could but she didn't make it and I was running too on the other side, and I heard Lina screaming: "Fija*, Fija* I'm a retard I missed my bus, I'm a retard" HAHAHA! She missed her bus but I didn't so she followed me home instead.. We drank coffee and tea and watched one of my favourite movies 40 year old virgin.(I borrowed it from Tina, THANK YOU<3) It was so good, we laughed so much and we even got emerresed because HE IS SO PATHETIC AND STUPID! XD and funny ;) haha. If you havn't seen that movie, SEE IT!

About that consert in New York, I want to go too! I miss to be on their concert. It was  best day of my life! I will never forget when I stood there and I saw BILL KAULITZ, TOM KAULITZ, GUSTAV SCHÄFER and GEORG LISTING, live.. just infront of me. It was awsome. I really hope they come to sweden soon or some country near, because I want to see them again, so badly! Im so jeallous of you Laura (if you go).
And what you said about that you're a forgotten child.. no you're not! and you know, I'll send you a birthday present.. I just have to figure out when I have to send it so you'll get in somewhere around your birhtday! :)

This week I only have a few plans..
Thuesday: Lisa ;D
Wednesday: GERMAN!!!!
Thursday: NO SCHOOL! + hang out with Lina + she stays over the night, hurray!
Friday: School? + I don't know get!
Does someone wants to do something on friday?

I have to sit up tonight.. okay.. maybe 2 hours more because in one hour Jonas will logg in.. well he said he should, so best for him that he does :)
So know I will watch some more Tokio Hotel videos on youtube, hurray.. fun life I know!

Du wirst für mich immer heilig sein <3

- Sofia


ello everyone! ^_^
i just came back from my dear friend Caroline's house, and i just can't WAIT until my mom comes home from work! weird right? why would anyone be so EAGER for their mother to come home (not me, thats a fact!)
unless,of course.....it has to do with Tokio Hotel???
after Sofia told me that they we're coming back to New York for another concert (by the way, THANK you Sofia! i love you to death because if it were'nt for you telling me i would have never known! >.<!) I did what any other crazy TH fan would do.....look up the tickets like a crazy person as if my life depended on it! ^_^ hehe, cool right?
anyways, when she came home yesterday i was like BEGGING! I told her it was in the city, Manhattan, (wich isn't THAT far!) and i told her and all that, but she just said "we'll see"
....are you kidding me? ... I am SO not settling for a "we'll see"
so yeah i begged some more (she was slepping and i woke her up! XD! ) and she looked interested...well kinda!
so i told her if i were to go, on my birthday (wich by the way, is January 19! WHOO! ) she didnt have to GET me anything, which doesnt really MATTER cause she doesnt anyway! *im a forgotten child...=( *
im going to start a fund-raiser and im going to walk around with a shirt that says, "get Laura to the Tokio Hotel concert!!!"
people will start to think im crazy....and i don't care because i kind of am... XD
ok this post is getting REEEEEAAALLLY long so im going to stop here....ha! as if anyone is going to read this WHOLE THING! XD

~ Laura <3
p.s. sofia i forgot to put the letter in the mail! im going to get stamps (and information XD!)  on my way to school tomoroow!
heheh ^_^

i will see you very soon!!!! (...i hope! XD )


Haha, When I'm bored (as I am now..) I'm often sitting on youtube, as I do now. I guess what I found.. this awsome video with Bill and Tom.. Is Avril Lavigne song Sk8er boy and It's like a little story.. different clips, Bill is the girl and Tom is th boy! It's so great.. you all should watch it. Haha xD

Yeah, I havn't not done so much today, Cisella came over for like 2 hours, and then I've watch my Tokio Hotel dvds and talked to Anders on the phone 2 times haha.. Sunday=chilling ;D am I right?..

On wednesday I have german again, I'm really looking forward to that and on thursday I have no school *yes*, and my friend Lina is gonna sleep over here.. And Maybe... We have no school on friday eigther, our teacher is gonna tell us that this week (I HOPE NOT)..

Enjoy the video ( I DID, I laughed alot!.. ) :)

Bill und Tom Kaulitz ♥

I have nothing to do..

I have nothing to do.. I'm sitting in my bed waiting for Cisella.. so I found these on my "bilddagbok" (swedish website) and I thought that I can write them here, but I have to translate them.. AND the translation may not be good so don't hate me (A)..

About you and your favourite band:

NAME:: Fija*
BAND: Tokio Hotel

[x] you have more then 1 T-shirts with the band
[x] you know atleast 5 songs
[x] You have seen them live
[ ] You have there autographs
[x] Yoy have there address
[x] You know other fans to the band
[x] You know people who hate's them
[ ] Your closest friends likes them
[x] Someone in your family knows atleast one song
[x] If they are in a magazine, you'll buy it
[x] You've done a school work/project about the band
[x] You have more then 40 songs with them
[x] You have remixed of the songs
[x] You've been to the country they're from
[x] You have the swedish/english translation of the songs

Me and Laura!

Haha, Lauras msn is f*cked-up (sorry, my language)... So we are sending mails, and then we started to talk about letters, if the only way to communicate is by letters then we got the brillian ide, She will send me a letter and we'll se how many days it takes! And then I will answer (+ send her a swedish- english dictionary!) haha.
Well I think it's a fun idea!

I'm really tired now.. and bored! AND it's something really scary with my Tokio Hotel picture.. It making this weird sound :o Like someone is picking behind it.. really scary! "/ I don't know how It can do that.. But it's scary :(

Well.. Don't have much to say except for Thanks to Laura that said all those nice things about my room! ;) well.. thank's to everyone for all nice comments! LOVE<3
I'm gonna continue to watch Beck - öga för öga, Beck- eye to eye ( A swedish criminal serie) VERY GOOD ONE! I'm not a big fan of swedish movies and so but Beck is really good. Beck and Stig Helmer!  hahaha! You who don't know what Stig Helmer is.. to bad! It's a very funny guy who makes great movies, HAHAH! XD

Sleep well everyone
kuss <3

Kaulitz twins <3


thats CRAZY! I have to admit it....i would kill to have her room!
you can not even BEGIN to understand how much i WANT HER ROOOOOM!
so i guess that was the big surprise? i thought it was the trip to Germany! well hello stupid me! XD
yeah one of theese days im going to steal all of her ideas and Tokio Hotel-ify my room! mwa ha ha
anyways, i appologize to Sofia that i sighned off MSn
my messenger was having malfunctions XD


The secret I told you about? It's done! but it's not much of a secret, It's not a big think as you maybe think.. it's not like I have meet Tokio Hotel xD
Okay.. I didn't finished my room today, I have to continue tomorrow. Right now It looks like someone dropt a bomb in my room, my sister is here and visiting us, that's why She's sleeping in my room! But only for one night.. so tomorrow I have to clean some and fix the last things in my room! I'm also gonna be with Cisella.. I havn't meet her in a very long time! :o

Okay Now I'm gonna show some pictures from today.. :)

Half my dad, the projector, my tv and my computer ;)

here we go...


I look so good in the morning.. *naat*

Almost done..

DONE! yaay big surprice, right? XD Does it looks good?

So now I'm lying in my bed, chatting with Laura and watching Schrei
Live DvD.. It's Bill on tv!

- Sofia

i live in a freezer >.< !

<----- oOo! Bill looks WARM! >.<!

I feel like im made out of snow.
(i need Bill to come and give me his sweater or something to warm me up! ^_^ hehe)
an im over here sitting on the computer with a SWEATER thrown on me,  and they decide to turn the heat on now....NOW
its a little too late for that don'tcha think? XD

im gonna go de-frost! haha
<33 ~laura

XD...bored *

my life is so boring....
ok so i was looking up the tickets for tokio hotel and i found em! YAY!
they have this thing that if you buy the tickets, they give you a sighned poster and tee shirt, but its like 80 American dollars, and i cant get 160 dollars in 6 days! (160$ cause i need to buy two...going to a concert by yourself is no fun! >.<! )
so yeah now im mad.
i need to wait until my mom comes from work so i can beg. i'll get the cheap tickets i dont care i wanna GO!
gustav laughing at me <--- Gustav is laughing at me. XD thats not nice gustav!

OH MY GOSH! im on! yay! sorry for the wait guys!

oh my gosh im FINALLY writing something!! its been super long, only because its hard for me to go online during the week sometimes,
Sofia wrote like a lot (which is good) so at least the site wasnt like EMPTY!
so yeah again sorry for the wait!
I WANNA GO! hahah
that is sooooooooooooo awesome! im happy for her because i know she'll have a great time!
im going to sweden just to get a magazine.
they have tokio hotel mega posters? no.....way...
all we have here is posters of ....MILEY CYRUS! EEEEWWWW! XD
we need tokio posters cause i swear if i see miley on the cover of another magazine ill take it and throw it out the window.
ok im going to stop commenting on every post i see and read and go look this up because if i dont go i will be so mad ill kill someone. (just kidding im not a murderer, but ill be pretty damn close to doing it!)

BYEEE! ttyl!
*ttyl = talk to you later*
 p.s. im mad none of the pictures of me can upload because their the wrong format i think... [rawr]

Learn To Speak Chinese In 5 minutes

Learn To Speak Chinese In 5 minutes

(Important: Read Out Loud)

English Phrase / Chinese Translation

1. "That's not right"............... Sum Ting Wong

2. "Are you harboring a fugitive?".. Hu Yu Hai Ding

3. "See me ASAP".................... Kum Hia Nao

4. "There goes Stupid Man".......... Dum Dum Wa King

5. "Small Horse".................... Tai Ni Po Ni

6. "Did you go to the beach?"....... Wai Yu So Tan

7. "I bumped into a coffee table"... Ai Bang Mai Ni

8. "I think you need a face lift"... Chin Tu Fat

9. "It's very dark in here"......... Wao So Dim

10. "I thought you were on a diet".. Wai Yu Mun Ching

11. "This is a tow away zone"....... No Pah King

12. "Our meeting is next week"...... Wai Yu Kum Nao

13. "Staying out of sight!"......... Lei Ying Lo

14. "He's cleaning his automobile".. Wa Shing Ka

15. "Your body odor is offensive"... Yu Stin Ki Pu

16. "Great"......................... Su Pah


ps.. I have fixed a little in my room now but I will show you everything tomorrow when it's done!

Freaky Friday!

Hello everyone!
Today. later.. I'm gonna add picture from my room.. I'm gonna get my new TV today (I hope..) . but the "secret" I won't tell you about until tomorrow!! :)

Today have been a fun day.. We had 2 hours lunch today so me, Jessica, Bellah and Tina drove to McDonalds and had lunch.. Outside it was a car that had collide with a moped and me and Bellah thought that was very intresting so every 5 minute we checked outside if something new had happend xD We don't now more then that It was a car and a moped, and one police and 2 ambulance...I just have to wait and see if it says something in the newspaper tomorrow!

Tomorrow It's saturday, and my friend Lina has a party at her house but i'm not gonna be there.. I'm gonne do the "secret" and then my sister is coming :) I havn't meet my sister in a long time so I'm staying home, plus I want to get me room done! Maybe I'll put up my Tokio Hotel posters on the door again, (We have changed doors at home so I had to get down ALL my tokio hotel posters I had on my door.. and my parents says that I can't put them up again if I don't have anything under... I can't put them right on the door..) I can show a picture of my E.X DOOR, It was so pretty<3
Now It feels so naked, I have tokio hotel everywhere except on the door.. :( I have to change that!

Now I'm sitting here at home and just chilling, I'm gonna make a cup of tea and wait til my parents gets home so we can fix me tv! ;) I'M ALSO GONNA ASK THEM TO BUY THE NEW OKEJ (OKEJ = a teenage magazine).. You'll get a TOKIO HOTEL MEGA POSTER! woho!:)

Okay Now I'm freezing and gonna go and make my cup of tea, vanilla tea <3 :)
Hope you all have a very nice friday!
I will write tonight when my TV is fixed.. (Well atleast I hope I will get my tv today! ;o If it's not to much trubble.. )


Today's outfit! I had a really bad Hair - and make-up
day today!

My class! This picture if terrible.. Everyone looks so
different and funny.. We don't look like this IRL ;)
I think we should take a new photo for the catalog,
this can't be published in "Linköpings Gymnasie
Katalog" *

not that big. xD
OMG, I look like a pig!

I didn't have a picture of JUST my door, but there you have it.. xD + my
"Wall of Tokio Hotel".. and yes, my room is babypink! ;D

Please Vote!?

Please.. help tokio hotel to win EMA music award 2008. They wonn VWA 2008 but now it's time for EMA. 
Go in here; http://ema.mtv.co.uk/vote/#_  and then click on "Best act ever" and "Headliner" and then choose TOKIO HOTEL. Can everyone please do that? It would be awsome if they won both VMA and EMA. It doesn't coast anything and you don't have to be a member.. It only takes a few seconds! Or.. it depends on how many times you vote (A).. 
If you are one of those nice people that vote.. please tell me! :)

I'm gonna continue to "work" now.. (YOUTUBE!) .. (A)



My german lesson was so fun, Okay.. I was the youngest xD There were 4 people around 25-30 years old, 1 like 35, one guy around 40-45 and one old ladie, maybe 50-55? XD haha and then ME! But there was one girl in my age that came late.. haha! When I present myself I said: I'm Sofia, and It looks like  i' m the youngest person here xD haha..
The teacher was so nice and the people too. I learn so much this lesson, it was awsome! I can't wait 'til next wednesday! :)

AND.. I just booked my tickets to G-E-R-M-A-N-Y  29oct - 2 nov! :) IM SO EXCITED!
I'm gonna be in Germany for 4 days and spend all that time with my angels - Svenya & Röschen. The two lovely girls I meet on the Tokio Hotel consert in Dortmund 13 june 2008 ;) haha.

Now I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired and I have a long day tomorrow!
so.. Gute Nacht meine lieblings! <3

This is how I looked on my first german lesson ;)


Okay now I'm really nervous.. In 1 hour and 10 minutes im sitting on the bus to my first german lesson! I'm so nervous.. all these thoughts are going through my head; What if I'm the youngest and everyone else is like 50+ and Maybe the teacher is a  real b*tch" I don't know why I'm nervous, this is what I want, I want to learn german so.. but how nice would it be to sit 1 ½ hour every wednesday with only 50 year olds? XD Can't imagine that feeling.
So now I'm loading up with my Zimmer 483 DvD .. right now it's the song Vergessene Kinder.. so sad, I want to cry!

Just got the information that Tokio Hotel have 4 more conserts in the U.S.. (bad for us in Europe... are they ever coming back!?...)
24 October - Florida
26 October - Atlanta
29 October - Philadelphia
30 October - NEW YORK

Good for you Laura, if you go to that consert, take alot of pictures and send me.. and if you get the chance to talk to them, tell them about me and that I really want them to come to Sweden!!!! please? :)

Okay, So I just talked to my dad quick and I asked him about *the thing I wont tell you about 'til maybe this weekend or next week* And he said that he found this thing I can borrow so I can to the ************** ;) haha. Do you want to know what it is..? :D I wont tell you get.. it's a surprice and you will tell me what you think after!
There are just a few people who knows what I'm gonna do and they think it's a good idea so! (A)..

Now I'm gonna continue to watch my Zimmer 483 Live DvD.. I will write when I'm home and tell you how it was.. :)

- Sofia Sandeqvist


Sofia wrote so many posts! lol
their interesting, and her friends are so cool! haha
anyways i have to go, i was just making one quick post but ill be sure to go on later! I seriously have to go on more! haha!
byeee!! <333

Girlfriend rumors again?

Now there are more girlfriend romours.. but now both Bill and Tom have girlfriends.. but I don't believe this.. you can read the article yourself and say if you know something about this or if you believe it or not.


"You like gossip about the private life of the band Tokio Hotel? You're going to get served! Bill and Tom Kaulitz apparently haven't been single since December of 2007! The leaders of TH apparently live a real love story with two French girls!

The twins' girlfriends' names are Siobhan and Séverine. Theyre 19 and 25 years old. This information is from Elodie, a Tokio Hotel fan who knows a lot about her favourite band. She didn't hesitate to contact us through our e-mail.

Elodie informed us that Siobhan and Séverine would have followed Tom and Bill Kaulitz when they moved to Hamburg, in May of this year. This rumour should be taken seriously, even though the twins always denied having girlfriends in interviews. We can even watch this video of them in from of their house. It's a low quality video, but we can watch the young Tokio Hotel leaders with their big car. [the video is below this article]

Tom, Bill, Siobhan and Séverine met for the first time in France because of Siobhan's father who works à the Elysée, said Elodie. The girl is a top model.
Recently, the couples have been seen, still in Hamburg, at a Coldplay concert."

Love this picture. Bill und Tom Kaulitz <3


How are you guys?.. I'm fine, but I'm tired so soon when Svenya has comed back to msn and we have talked about my trip to Germany I'll go to bed, maybe watch Tokio Hotel? (A)

Tomorrow I have my first german lesson, it's gonna be so fun! But I hope there are at least ONE that's in my age so it's not only old people.. or that I'm the only person there! XD haha.

Today I've been with my friend Izabell that I havn't meet in a long time, to bad! We have so many fun memories together, once went we went to se Harry Potter (I think) on the cinema, a guy sat in front of us with his dad, and just like that.. He put a tomato in his mouth and looked back and smiled at us (with the tomato still in his mouth) (!!) That's just one of all our fun memories together.. XD

Now Svenya is back so I'm gonna go and talk to her and then go to bed! I think Laura will write something when she comes back from school! :)
Tell us how it is in NY today Laura!!! <3

Sleep well everyone!

love from sweden ;) <3


... and now I just want to say good morning, god morgon, guten morgen. Soon I'm gonna take the buss to school! ;)

I'll write later, have a nice thuesday! <3


I just want to say good night, god natt, guten nacht! I'm going to bed now! :)

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