Move to sweden!
Haha, yeah Laura want's to move to sweden and I want to move away from Sweden! YEAH, We can switch homes for a year or so, you live in Sweden with my family and I live in the US with your family? Gash I'm so smart!
My 4 days in Stockholm was great, me and my sister went bowling the first day (She wonn with over 100points), but she looked very funny she was like dancing before she throw the ball xD
On saturday we went swimming, Wilma (the oldest girl), she didn't want to get up from the pool x) After 1 hour in the pool I looked like raisin! xD When we got back home I fell asleep on the couch, I took a nice nap! haha
Now it's bed time!
Good night Europe and ehm, Good something for the people in the US xD

sv: Haha de är inte så trevligt IRL vill jag lova men KOM HIT DÅ MANNEN växjö tråkar sönder mig
sv: Haha de är inte så trevligt IRL vill jag lova men KOM HIT DÅ MANNEN växjö tråkar sönder mig
oooh, another one with blue hair! :)