Today it's Georg Listing's 22 birthday! Happy birthday worlds best bassist - GEORG LISTING<3
i had no school today :D! but it's been boring -__-
ok so i was looking through my pictures and guess what pictures i found.... THE ONES OF MY PET CHICKEN!
LOLL im dead serious about this too. okay so here's the story: (this is all true lol)
my brother and his friend were walking down a chicken place and his friend, being the smart ass that he is (lol) , goes "let's buy a chikcen" so they bought it and kept it in the friends house. then he gave up on it so they brought it to my house and we kept him here for like 2 days. but then we had to give him away because we were barley feeding him and that would be mean to just leave him there in his box forever lol. we gave him back to the chicken people. thats the story of McCluckin'. x)
*my life is so weird* LOLLLL

I just got home.. with my new piercing!!! 8D
What do you think? Does it look good? Well.. I LOVE IT! and it's painful xD haha..
Move to sweden!
Haha, yeah Laura want's to move to sweden and I want to move away from Sweden! YEAH, We can switch homes for a year or so, you live in Sweden with my family and I live in the US with your family? Gash I'm so smart!
My 4 days in Stockholm was great, me and my sister went bowling the first day (She wonn with over 100points), but she looked very funny she was like dancing before she throw the ball xD
On saturday we went swimming, Wilma (the oldest girl), she didn't want to get up from the pool x) After 1 hour in the pool I looked like raisin! xD When we got back home I fell asleep on the couch, I took a nice nap! haha
Now it's bed time!
Good night Europe and ehm, Good something for the people in the US xD

im moving to sweden.
I just woke up, and I decided to write something before i call my dad to come pick me up. [my hair is a mess -__-]
BUT I just realized that i hadn't written a post about the very interesting conversation Sofia and I had a while ago! LOLL
even though it was like,... two weeks ago, IM STILL IN SHOCK! people in sweden get PAID to go to school?! WHAT!? why is the U.S. not like that? we were talking about school [i have no idea how we got into that conversation, haha] and she goes " i would never pay to go to school. they pay ME"
at first, i thought she was playing around,but she was serious. they get like 100 euros every month.... we dont get that! instead, we pay thousands of dollars every couple months if you go to a private school. [that's where I go]
if you go to a public school, you dont have to pay,... but they dont pay you either -___- 100 euros is about $130 dollars ... I WANT THAT.
sofia was like "omg your so funny" but i wasnt even trying to be! lolll!
sweden - whoooo! :D
new york- boooo :p
im moving! lol
-lauraa. x)

^^ EEEEEEEEWWW too much hairspray >.<
Any minute now i'm going to bed, I have to go up at 5.45am becase me and my dad are going to Stockholm tomorrow at 6.30 (!) It's gonna be so fun to be there but not so fun to get up at 5.45, I'm not gonna be in a good mood in the car!
and oh, gash I almost forgot, we got a new bird today.. His name is : ARTHUR He is sooo cute!!! :)
okay, now.. good night!

I can tell you, this weekend have been so much fun, Lina my friend from Växjö came and visit me and Linköping (Swedens most boring city)! We have watched the Tokio Hotel dvd's, watched Arthur und die minimoys in German, My new favourite movie, and on Saturday we went Bowling, our names was "ILYBKaulitz" and "BillKaulitz". Nice names huh? I wonn... 3 strikes and once, instead of throwing the ball forward I throw it back! *Applause to Fija*
I had a really nice weekend! (:
Yesterday my teacher told me, or us, me and my class that we don't have school on thusday's and thursday's until week 15! :) So I only have school 3 days/week! yaaaay! :) *happyface*
I'm free today and on thursday so och thursday I'm going to STOCKHOLM to my big sister, staying til sunday. :) It's gonna be so much fun, I havn't meet my sister for a very long time, or her husband. When me and my sister talked about it first she started to laugh and asked if I heard what Wictor said.. He said" NOOOOO!" haha, But I know he want's me to come, he misses me.. LOL! xD I'm sure he'll say at least ONE mean thing about Tokio Hotel... we always do..... xD
A small picture "catchup"

Lina's birthday! She's now 18!

Fija* does not longer smoke! *saving money*

Bill my baby have dreads *crying*
Pictures from this weend:

I have the same Tokio Hotel bracelet! (: Tokio hotel<3

and finally......
Me chasing the ball!