It's time for the truth..

You see these guys? Gustav Schäfer, Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz & Georg Listing. These are the 4 boys that I love the most, that makes so good and important music.
There is not enough words that describes how much these 4 guys mean, and how much their music mean and have done for me. Just looking at them make me feel good, makes me happy. I know there are a million girls/boys that knows exactly what I mean, and feel the exact same way.
Sometimes there are IDIOTS that comes to me and alot of other people too, and say mean things about Tokio Hotel, it really hurts. All of the coments, "Bill looks like a girl", "Tokio Hotel sucks!" "Tokio Hotel whore" "I hate Tokio Hotel and their fans" etc. FINE if you don't like them, but please KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! There are acctually many people that really loves them. It was okay to hear from a person once that they thought Bill looked like a girl, but to continue saying that, it's really enoying. To hear comments from people when you have a Tokio Hotel shirt.. stop it! All of the f*cking coments.. Why just Tokio Hotel? It's not like many other fans get to hear the same things we do?
When it comes to Tokio Hotel, i behave like a 13 year old, but I don't care. They make me feel so good, so happy that I can't behave in another way when I hear their music or see them on a picture. I have my room FULL of posters and pictures, and I LOVE IT. Some people think I'm crazy, and it's all too much, but that's just who I am. If people can't except that I am a Tokio Hotel freak, than.. bye bye.
I know my parents don't like it, they are waiting for the day when I stop like them. They think it's too much, they think I'm to much, that I behave childish. I like behave childish, how fun can it be to grow up?
Ok, I just needed to get it said, It feels better now. :) hehe..
In 1 or 2 months their new CD is realesed... can't wait for "Humanoid" :D
And doesn't Bill look SO HOT in his new hair? And Tom too ofc! säxy säxy
Postat av: Hanna
I know exactly what you mean and couldn't agree more!