How are you guys?.. I'm fine, but I'm tired so soon when Svenya has comed back to msn and we have talked about my trip to Germany I'll go to bed, maybe watch Tokio Hotel? (A)
Tomorrow I have my first german lesson, it's gonna be so fun! But I hope there are at least ONE that's in my age so it's not only old people.. or that I'm the only person there! XD haha.
Today I've been with my friend Izabell that I havn't meet in a long time, to bad! We have so many fun memories together, once went we went to se Harry Potter (I think) on the cinema, a guy sat in front of us with his dad, and just like that.. He put a tomato in his mouth and looked back and smiled at us (with the tomato still in his mouth) (!!) That's just one of all our fun memories together.. XD
Now Svenya is back so I'm gonna go and talk to her and then go to bed! I think Laura will write something when she comes back from school! :)
Tell us how it is in NY today Laura!!! <3
Sleep well everyone!
love from sweden ;) <3