Friday again!
YAAAY HOLIDAY! I've been waiting for this holiday for.. I don't know how long and it's finally here!
I only had 1 lessons today science and then I had to guide my tourism teacher around in my corridors. XD She said I was a good guide *applause to fija*
After school me and my parents went to IKANO (a mall in Linköping) and I bought new shoes (black) and powder. And then, we went to MAXI (a supermarket) and there I bought haircolor (My hair has grown so on top my hair is dark, not pretty) and Silvershampoo (It takes away the yellow color from your blond hair). Tomorrow me and my mum are going to town so I can buy a nice outfit for my trip to Germany. I need something comporteble to wear on the plain! (:
Only 5 days left, 5 days that's nothing! So soon I'll be in germany with my two lovely friends, Svenya & Röschen. For you who don't know, I meat these girls in line on the Tokio Hotel concert. :)
Svenya said before when we talk that on friday we can maybe to the "neigbour town" because there they sell Tokio Hotel stuff (; And what do I love more than Tokio Hotel stuff? okay maybe the guys but.. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Before my trip to germany I'm gonna spend some time with Lisa (tomorrow) because on Sunday she's going to England with her family, and on sunday Lina and Nathalie are coming to my place over the night. :)
Now "Fija's-alone-movie-night" begins, so I'm gonna go now, maybe I'll log in later and write something if I have any imagination.. or else Laura will write something fun? (:
To Tina! :
Tina, we've missed you in school this week! :( It havn't been the same without you. You're the one that always laughing at my bad jokes (well Bellah does to because she's laughing to everything) So now I won't see you 'til school start again after the holiday, it's 10 days! :( I MISS YOU!<3
küss ♥
Two cow's that my science teacher Janne painted, HAHA, cute huh?
Bellah did these on our science lab (wednesday) cute (:
HAHAHAH, this is Dennis! We had some fun with our mac computers
in school!
va söt du är :D Haha, du kommer ge mig maggrutor innan studenten (och det kan behövas) ! Jag Saknar dig med :( Hoppas du får det bäst i tyskland och jag lovar att vi ses när skolan börjar ;) Pussar ! <33333
(sorry att jag inte kunde skriva det där på engelska..)