Freaky Friday!
Hello everyone!
Today. later.. I'm gonna add picture from my room.. I'm gonna get my new TV today (I hope..) . but the "secret" I won't tell you about until tomorrow!! :)
Today have been a fun day.. We had 2 hours lunch today so me, Jessica, Bellah and Tina drove to McDonalds and had lunch.. Outside it was a car that had collide with a moped and me and Bellah thought that was very intresting so every 5 minute we checked outside if something new had happend xD We don't now more then that It was a car and a moped, and one police and 2 ambulance...I just have to wait and see if it says something in the newspaper tomorrow!
Tomorrow It's saturday, and my friend Lina has a party at her house but i'm not gonna be there.. I'm gonne do the "secret" and then my sister is coming :) I havn't meet my sister in a long time so I'm staying home, plus I want to get me room done! Maybe I'll put up my Tokio Hotel posters on the door again, (We have changed doors at home so I had to get down ALL my tokio hotel posters I had on my door.. and my parents says that I can't put them up again if I don't have anything under... I can't put them right on the door..) I can show a picture of my E.X DOOR, It was so pretty<3
Now It feels so naked, I have tokio hotel everywhere except on the door.. :( I have to change that!
Now I'm sitting here at home and just chilling, I'm gonna make a cup of tea and wait til my parents gets home so we can fix me tv! ;) I'M ALSO GONNA ASK THEM TO BUY THE NEW OKEJ (OKEJ = a teenage magazine).. You'll get a TOKIO HOTEL MEGA POSTER! woho!:)
Okay Now I'm freezing and gonna go and make my cup of tea, vanilla tea <3 :)
Hope you all have a very nice friday!
I will write tonight when my TV is fixed.. (Well atleast I hope I will get my tv today! ;o If it's not to much trubble.. )
Today's outfit! I had a really bad Hair - and make-up
day today!
My class! This picture if terrible.. Everyone looks so
different and funny.. We don't look like this IRL ;)
I think we should take a new photo for the catalog,
this can't be published in "Linköpings Gymnasie
Katalog" *embarrassed*
HAHAHAHHA, Okay I'm not that big. xD
OMG, I look like a pig!
I didn't have a picture of JUST my door, but there you have it.. xD + my
"Wall of Tokio Hotel".. and yes, my room is babypink! ;D
Nice as hell babe! <3
haha, the picture of our class , så ugly specially me! urk!
someones phone ringing pic up! yes du u want to answer to ?
HAHAHAHA, i always does something imberresing, haha!
fun day, fija i love u !
and Laura u must write soemthing noow i think:D