Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday dad♥
kay lemme tell you somethingg..
thanks to Fija's friendd(Lina!) - she got skiiilllsszzzz 8) lmaoo <3
well- its monday. and im tired. and i have a WHOOOLE bunch of homework that i do not feel like doing.
haha i remember when i had a day off 2 weeks ago for the american holiday, labor day, Sofia wanted to take that day off too - her excuse was "i have an american friend in the army! and i want to respect that!" lmaoo
i want to know how that went ;D
.. my blond hair, lol.
I'm really thinking of color my hair blond again, maybe next summer?
miss miss miss miss!!
Silence has been killing you screaming deep inside of you just turn it up just turn it up
Hej.Tjena.Tjo.Shoo.Tju.Tjenixen.Tjabba.Tjoflöjt.God dag.Tjofräs.Tuddelu.Hellu.Hejsan.Tjenare.Tjabba.
Different ways to say "Hey" in swedish.. my favorite is TJOFLÖJT, love it.
That was very necessary.. or not.
3 lessons today.. or 2 ½.. I had to go to the doctor, they have to think that i'm a hypochondriac, feels like i'm there every week, lol.
My throat hurts and i'm not sick and I've had it for a few weeks.. When I told the doctor what my "symtoms" were, it looked like he didn't even care, and he didn't let me finish. Very nice doctor.
You know what's wrong with me!? - nothing.. well..okay I have a swollen gland! come on ><' and he didn't gave me something to still the "pain".. he said "it will go away in a few weeks" .. THANK YOU MR.DOCTOR..
A very necessary visit.. or not.
Now i'll go pack my bag, I won't be sleeping @ home tomorrow, i'm going to Nathalie =). We're both ex-Harry Potter freaks so we're gonna watch Harry Potter tomorrow. ;) and on wednesday I have national test in swedish, essay writing from 8.10a.m. - 1.10p.m. 5 fucking hours! so I have to pack things like my computer and something to drink maybe?
God natt♥
Monday = sucks!
I guess I'm not alone when it comes to hate mondays? I could really need winter holiday now, or summer.. this summer I finally graduate! After summer 2010 - NO MORE SCHOOL FOR MISS FIJA! I've waited 12 years for this summer.. (I think!?).
I woke up 6am, and I thought I was gonna take the bus at 7.15am to school and then I remembered that I have the video camera so my dad will drive me to school in 30min.. >.< I've been sitting here on my fat ass for 30min doing nothing, waiting.. I could've slept 30min longer!
As you maybe understood I didn't feel very good yesterday, and I'm not in the top mood today eighter. Some things take time, and some doesn't. I'm gonna do my best to keep the mood up today, I don't want my friends to think that i'm boring ;p.
Today is a long school day, 8.10am - 3pm x_X kill me!? When I get home I'll go take a nap.
oh, and a big DANKE SCHÖN to Lina for this new design♥
btw, there's a hole in my sock :(
picture from summer 09
That day
That day
Never came
That day
Never comes
I'm not lettin' go
I keep hangin' on
Everybody says
That time heals the pain
I've been waitin' forever
That day never came
Tokio Hotel - That day
Thanks to you I keep waiting, keep fighting for that one day everything will be fine. You're my strength.
It's awesome being a Tokio Hotel fan..
Tokio Hotel already have their on "tv show", you know Tokio Hotel tv, and they have their own Youtube (you find it here) and NOW, they have their own RADIO CHANEL!!! :) How awesome isn't this!? Tokio Hotel everwhere.. =)
It's awesome being a Tokio Hotel fan..
Me and Lina are going to Stockholm tomorrow to film to our Project, we're gonna do a little movie and like compair Stockholm and Mora, a big and a small city. We're going to Mora in december... It's gonna be SO MUCH FUN! :) and we've downloaded David Hasselhoff songs that we're gonna listen to on the way up, haha!
Don't mess with the Hassel!♥
Will I ever know the world behind my wall?
That's the song my favorite guys are gonna sing at today's EMA in Berlin. I can't wait to see their performance, I think it's gonna be something very special!
I'm gonna brag a little and show you my LOVE, my 3 concert ticets (okay their are 6 but 3 of them are Linas!).
I'll show you my old one and the new ones, I got the ticets to the concert in Genéve today, they are pink (!!).
13/6-08 Dortmund, Germany♥ [√]
4/3-10 Stockholm, Sweden♥
5/3-10 Göteborg, Sweden♥
3/4-10 Genéve, Switzerland♥
THIS my friends, is happiness! Hopefully there will be more♥
10 min left to the red carpet!!!!
Big news!
Stockholm, 4 Mars
Göteborg, 5 Mars
Genéve (Switzerland) 3 april
From Copenhagen to Genéve it's a direct flight so no stop, that's nice, but on the way home we have to do a little stop in München (Germany) for 2h and 10min.
Then we land in Copenhagen (Denmark) 9.55pm. We have to wait on the airport to 7am, that's when the first train to Sweden goes. It's gonna be !AWESOME!
I hope their will be more concerts in Europe before they go to the US..
That was the big news, nice huh!? =) I know you're jeallous!
i am ...
going to explode if i eat one more pice of candy.
but i dont care you know why!? it tastes so good!
halloween cady = <3 love
haha i was walking around and a guy came up to me and said "what are you supposed to be?" then i said "i dont know, i just went in my closet and put on anything i could find" and then he goes "are you supposed to be lady gaga?"
LMFAO oookaay - cause thats exactly who i look like. Lady Gaga.
^^ ooo creeeppyy?? lol i didnt have all the makeup on yet so it wasnt the complete look
happy halloween x)