The future's just begun on the dark side of the sun
Today is new year!!!! I'll be leaving in 20min to Lina where the party is =)
First dinner with Lina and her friends and then it's party time.. and I will happily welcome the new year!
2010 is gonna be a great year, that's a feeling that I have.. 2010 is TOKIO HOTELS YEAR =) at midnight I will celebrating the new year and I'll celebrate that Tokio Hotel are coming to sweden!! =)
Haha I'm finished packing and I have 3 pair of shoes with me, one pair to have inside, one pair when we're gonna be outside and one pair for tomorrow when i'm going home, haha =) Is it only me who has your whole room with you? 8D
Have to dash (LOL)
You're the sun and i'm the moon, In your shadow I can shine
My sister is behind me and packing their stuff. My room is pretty big and they've filled it all it's bags everywhere, haha.
I've been pretty busy these days, my sister and her family has been here.
Monday we went to see a movie and before we ate on texas longhorn and yesterday me and my sister was shopping, we were away for 5-6 hours and I had high heels!
Tomorrow it's new year which means - PARTY @ LINA! =) what are you doing tomorrow? party? be home with boy/girl-friend? family? friends? work?
It's so cold in my room so I have to put some clothes on now before I turn into a iceman (girl).. They have been sleeping with window open (it's december!?)
*mum wants me to come down so have to go*
well, santa wasnt really nice to me this xmas, i got my presents like two days later -.- haha
is christmas really on the 24th in sweden? if so happy REALLY LATE CHRISTMAS!! hahah <3
Jingle bell jingle bell
15 min left on December 23, so that means that it's CHRISTMAS in sweden soon =)
Me and my dad just watched Love actually, I love that christmas movie it's so funny. My favourite part is when Alan Rickman (aka Professor Snape) are buying a neckless and "Mr.bean" are asking if he wants it wraped in, hahahah, can't stop laughing. He's taking such a long time and Alan (can't remember his name in the movie so I'll go with Alan) tells him to speed up and when he thinks it's finally finished
"Mr.Bean" says: Only one little detail left and Alan says: WHAT MORE, you're gonna dip it in yogurt!?
10min left know and I'll go to bed now I think. I've finished my book so I have nothing to read so maybe I'll watch another movie. I got my movie Paret trap today, the one I ordered yesterday. It was as good as I remembered =)
7min left, GOOD NIGHT!
2 days left
so lemme just get to the pont, I LOVE PETER FACINELLI. (aka Carlisle Cullen <3 )
He graduated from my school in '91 i think, so he came on Tuesday to talk to some of the students, OMFG he was amazing <3
i swear i started looking for his really fancy limo at SEVEN in the morning ! it was crazy! i almost skipped class but i couldnt because my teacher almost caught me -.- haha
i was late to EVERY single one of my classes just following him around the school- i saw him three times. he's so beautifull! he looks like a vampire in real life too! he has really pale skin and GREEEEN GREEN eyes, and he dyed his hair back to blackk! xD when he came out of the autotorium, i was SO CLOSE to the door he almost hit me with it! LOL he gave me this little smirk, and then i touched his leather jacket hahahah it was soooo coool!
i took a video but its on facebook, it wont upload to sofura :l so just add me on facebook and see it ! haha there was so much screaming for a second i forgot i was in school! cant wait until he brings EDWARD ;D
^^ lmfao no one would let him go through xD

^^ thats where i live (:
Believe in you, believe in life, believe in tomorrow.
Believe in everything you do, every time!
I woke up at 10 and then I finished my book (breaking dawn) for the second time =) After that It feels like I've been stuck with these msn games, bowling & flowerz haha! I wonn 2 bowling games and lost 2 and wonn the flowerz game! I'm the msn-game-master!
Lina was here for 30min too and we wrote a script for our music video ;) Jesse McCartney - Winter wonderland ! How awesome
I talked to my other friend Lina (this little bagett 8D) on the phone and on monday we're gonna book train ticets between Stockholm and Göteborg in Mars. Gosh I wish it was Mars now - TOKIO HOTEL♥ I have a nice feeling about this tour, it's gonna be something extra! :)
bring me to happiness
Sometimes I just want to turn back time, to year 1992 when I was 1year old and everything was perfect. No family problems, everyone was happy, my parents was happy they had a cute little baby (me!) hehe. No problems with school, I was to young and dumb for school. hehe. People says it was better before and sometimes I believe them.
I wish I was 1year old again, when you're sad it's not because you have been fighting or someone has been mean to you, it can be because you lost your pacifier or you didn't get so much attention from your parents. One little "scream" and they would be there holding you and everything is fine again.
If I stayed as a baby forever I would miss so much, like my awesome friends and Tokio Hotel, but I would never feel depressed or sad for longer than a few hours.
me and my dad, I don't know how old I was here exactly but younger than today;)
I'm dreaming of a white christmas! and my wish came true, SWEDEN IS WHITE, full of snow, everywhere.. cold and white. Okay the truth is that I hate snow and the cold. It's cozy when you're inside and you have candles and good music or watching TV and you look outside and it's all white, snow everywhere and you're thinking "ah, I don't have to go outside". :)
I forgot to tell you, or I told you but didn't show my new haircolor.. light brown. I like it and so does my parents and friends =)
Got2Go and clean a little in my room, Lina is coming over and we're gonna talk about our project and it's christmas soon ;) lol.
outside my house 2 days ago
I have to go in 10min but I have to watch WBMW before, haha..
or not, I had to call Dat.. hmm.. ><
All I can say is: world behind my wall
The video are amazing, I think it's my favorite one. It's personal, funny, shows that they're just normal guys who makes awesome music. (hehe I love Tom's dog, soo cute)
The song is amazing, the video are amazing, the guys are amazing! If I could I would stay home the whole day and just watch this video but I can't I have one lesson and then I'm going to the hairdresser :)
It's time for me to run to the bus, the video - WATCH IT :)
(but I wonder what happend to the german version!?)
They're telling me
It's beautiful
I believe them
But will I ever know
The world behind my wall
The sun will shine
Like never before
One day I will be
Ready to go
See the world behind my wall
They're telling me it's beautiful I believe them but will I ever know the world behind my wall is not working, to many people are desperate to see the video (ME TOO) so the page is crashing, lol.
aaw.. i'm starting to get pretty irritated..
blablabla.. hmm.. it's late, I want to read my book (breaking dawn) but I won't go to bed before I've seen the new video! I'll stay up all night if I have to! haha
Has anyone seen the new music video!?
THAT WAS A BIG FAT LIE, good night I'm going to bed. I'll see the video tomorrow!
Oufit: Leggins and my Bill Kaulitz hood
I miss: my friend Lina who lives 161 miles away!
Song: Tokio Hotel - That day
Most boring: I didn't find any shoes when I was out shopping!
Best: Lussebulle, gingerbread & coffee
Mood: Happy -> Sad -> Depressed -> sad
Greeting: goes to Santa, please give me that camera so I can take good photos of Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg on their next tour. As you know I didn't have one last time which sucked!

Lussebulle - Delicious!
Dear Santa
This is what I want for christmas!
guten tag (:
hellooo sofuraaa :)
im really bored (at school :P) so im like HEY lemme go write a post :D haha
my class starts in like ten minutes, i have math next, oh joy. <--- sarcasm, lol (;
haha, this reminds me of when i showed sofia my uniform, and she goes "THOSE ARENT THE ONES FROM HARRY POTTER!" lolll ahhaha sso cute xD
ahh the bell rang; g2g or else i get detention D:
To me you'll be forever sacred
Picture taken by: Lina Green
My tattoo without plastic. I love it.
But I hate that I have a million liver spots..
Wenn nichts mehr geht is my favorite song with Tokio Hotel, I've wanted to do this tattoo for 1 ½ year and now I've finally done it :)
Yesterday Lina and I saw New Moon, BIG LOVE. The movie was awesome, I'm gonna see it again! wow
Jacob was hot, Edward was hot, but who was the hottest? I DON'T KNOW!
Team Jacob? Team Edward? hmm..
Wenn nichts mehr geht werd ich ein Engel sein für dich allein

my tattoo! I'm super happy I love it!
it says: Wenn nichts mehr geht werd ich ein engel sein für dich allein
one of my favorite songs with Tokio Hotel!
I am physically, mentally, over obsessed with you
I've been pretty quiet and "busy" and so that's why I havn't written anything.
22nd November was my dads birthday and the weekend after, 28th November we had a party! It was very fun, me and my friend Lina took care of the bar, mixed drinks :)
I'll go to bed very soon, I have a book that has to be finished on friday and I just started! 8D
I'm getting my FIRST tattoo tomorrow. I won't say what it is but I'll show you tomorrow when I get home. I saw the sketch of it today, BEAUTIFUL, I'm very happy.
I had to change my time, Lina is coming tomorrow and the plan was that she would sit with me while i'm going the tattoo (3hours!) so she matched her train, BUT, the guy (Max) who's doing the tattoo asked if I could change time to 11a.m instead of 2.30p.m. so I have to sit all alone and i'll finish when Linas train arrives so I have to, quickly get to the train station!
My god.. haha
up next: call Lina and then wash of my make up and SLEEP!