DON'T JUMP - Tokio Hotel

Thuesday night, well.. 8:42pm :P What have I done today? School only had two lessons, I went home after photo because my stomach hurt. My dad picked me up and we bought some food and drove home, we ate and after I fell asleep! xD
I've also done my english homework to analyse a song lyric. I choosed to analyse Tokio Hotel - Don't jump (ofc!)
Took hours to come up with something, It was really hard! But my lovely mum helped me in the end, to correct sentences and spelling! XD I just hope my english teacher likes it..

Now im sitting and watching IDOL 2008, and my favourite Andreas gave up :( To bad, I think he could winn this but.. to nervouse! Sad.. I really thought I had found my new "Jens" (for you who don't know who Jens is, He's came on the 4th place in Swedish IDOL 2005). I have to keep looking for a new favourite..

Well.. no more blog today, If not my dear friend Laura writes anything. :)

Sleep Well, soon im going to bed! hihi


Sleep well! I know i Will.. Tomorrow I only have one lesson! *hurray!!*


Now im in school, just finished my first lesson - tourism. I had such a good time in class *not*. ;) I don't know anyone and i don't really know why i chosed that, I really thought i was gonna get German but ofcourse not, It's me.. my luck.. ;p
Now im sitting in "Lilla redaktionen", where we have all our computers with my lovely friend Bellah! We are sitting here and waiting for the others to end there lessons. So i thought "Why don't write another post"? ;) Not a very intresting post but.. now you know what im doing x) haha.

And thanks to my mum for the comment. She thinks this blog was a good idea and im glad she likes it! 
Haha, and Bellah is sitting beside me and trying to come up with a comment, haha.. it takes some time but.. and she asks me about words.. She's so funny! xD

After im finished writing this post im having what we call "Samhällskunskap" really boring lesson but my friends makes it funny, just being there makes me laugh. haha!

Now im gonna publish this so Bellah can comment this too! :)

Hope you all have a really nice day! :)



Guy i saw getting fries ~ en kille jag sag fick pommes

So yeah im happy i sighned back online, and i read my dear friends post on our blog! It made my day! haha, She's so nice and i love talking to her! Its nice to know someone actually likes talking to you! Shes such an amazing friend. <3
So while i was out getting my fries, (which were AWESOME by the way!), there was this
dude who was super cute. My friend said he was ugly, but, like they say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. 
And for a second i thought he had a Tokio Hotel 
shirt on! But sadly it wasn't. =(
But whatever I don't care much for some dumb guy i saw while i was getting fries,
cause me and Sofia are taken by Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav. XD
Anywas, im going to go because my friend and I are screaming out the window, THIS IS FUN!!!
And i have to get back to Sofia I dont want her thinking im ignorig her! >.<! 
Byee! <3
**question that is bothering me** Is Bill Kaulitz REALLY going out with that Turkish CHICK?! 
UGH! [rawr]
~I'll post the info later...maybe (hehe)~

Wir haben uns totgeliebt?

Well.. When I woke up i felt this was not my day, and i turned out that it wasn't. "/ 

My sunday sucked and I had a really bad morning, no details.. But when my dear american friend logged in and we started to talk i felt much better, I was happy and i laughed alot! :)
Then she logged out and something happend (not telling you what) but, I didn't get sad, just hurt? I don't know .
But I talked to my friend Lina and she said some really nice things! Im glad i have her! Feels good that you have someone to talk to that knows what you mean.

Okay, I'll stop whining now.. It's a new day tomorrow and I'll meet my lovely classmated, they always make me smile. :)
I have the best class ever..

Now I'm gonna watch one of my Tokio Hotel dvd:s, I know it will make me feel better,
And i'll wait 'til Laura loggs in so we can talk.  Maybe I can teach her some swedish? x) She's really good actually. And maybe she can teach me some english, I really suck >.<

Well good night everyone!


Hey! Welcome to Sofura! TOKIO HOTEL BLOG

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to our blog! <3

We're just two average girls, Sofia, from  Linkoping, Sweden,
and Laura, from Queens, New York.  Even though we live SO far apart from each other,
we have one thing in common; our love for Tokio Hotel!
We were just messaging on MSN one day when Sofia got the BEST idea EVER!
"Do you wanna make an blog together? About Tokio Hotel?"  And of course, i said yes.
It was the Best idea i've ever heard! And now we have Sofura! Awesome right? XD!
Sofura is going to be a blog about our four favorite men : Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz,
Georg Listing, and Gustav Schafer, and what they are up to, and about us!
We'll write when we can, and post things that are going on in our lives.
A girl from Sweden and a girl from the U.S.! sure to be interesting! haha! ><!

Sofia <3

September 21, 2008 - *Laura* - Heeyy!

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